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Spidey 2 Lego Style
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:23 pm EDT, Jul  7, 2004

this is well done!

Spidey 2 Lego Style

Kikkoman Fish Head Creature Gets Lovin
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:16 pm EDT, Jul  7, 2004

strange but weird. what is in the water over there?

Kikkoman Fish Head Creature Gets Lovin

James Doohan, 'Trek's' Scotty, has Alzheimer's
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:15 pm EDT, Jul  7, 2004

not good old scotty! :(

James Doohan, 'Trek's' Scotty, has Alzheimer's

The New Trophy Wife
Topic: Society 12:32 pm EDT, Jul  7, 2004

"Pop-psych punditry about fragile male egos may cloud the real problem inherent in many alpha-alpha marriages. Psychologists agree that difficulties most often arise not because a man feels emasculated by his wife's star power ("No one can emasculate you except you," avows Pak), but because the woman grows disappointed with her partner...If a woman is powerful, smart and ambitious, her expectations for her husband, and for the relationship, rise," says Nando Pelusi, a New York City psychologist who has counseled plenty of alpha-alpha pairings. McCarthy says it's the primary reason that middle-class marriages fail in the first five years: The woman feels her spouse is not keeping his end of the pact"(Seigel).

Is this the sign of a change? The next step is paternity leave.

The New Trophy Wife

Las Paletas - Perfect 100 score
Topic: Health and Wellness 11:39 am EDT, Jun 18, 2004

Was in there yesterday for a fine Paleta (Mexican style popsicle) and noticed they had a perfect 100 score from Metro Health Inspectors.

Check'em Out Tuesday thru Saturday on 12 South in the Belmont area of Nashvegas. Oh, and they had the Chocolate Wasabi too.

2907 12th Ave S
Nashville, TN 37204

The Food
There's only one food here: Mexican popsicles made with whole fruits and fresh ingredients. Purity here is a religious experience; the fresh cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon pops scream of ripe melon. Mexican favorites hibiscus and tamarind are sweetly perfumed. Even the prune pops melt into rich flavor. The spunky chocolate chili and cucumber chili pops rank ultra-high on the status list. Be forewarned--those who get hooked on the creamy coffee pops have a hard time branching out, so start with another flavor.

Las Paletas - Perfect 100 score

patent for an asskicking machine
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:11 pm EDT, Jun  1, 2004

awesome. be sure and check out the pictures.

patent for an asskicking machine

April Winchell: Multimedia
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:52 pm EDT, Jun  1, 2004

This is the motherlode of obscure and often hilarious audio and video faux pas.

April Winchell: Multimedia

Own a plot of cheese
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:12 am EDT, Jun  1, 2004

kick ass

Own a plot of cheese

3D Pong game
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:11 am EDT, Jun  1, 2004

A diversion.

3D Pong game

Strip, Pix, Burn: iRaq
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:55 am EDT, May 19, 2004

it took me a second. look close.

Strip, Pix, Burn: iRaq

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