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Natural Acne Skin Treatments
Topic: Health and Wellness 2:50 am EST, Jan  7, 2009

Acne is a skin disorder where the oil glands and hair follicles on the skin get impacted due to hormonal action. The hormonal changes make the sebaceous glands on the skin to secrete skin oil or sebum in excess. This sebum gets collected in the pores leading to blockage of the pores on the skin, which in turn results in formation of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples or zits.

If the acne is severe, it can cause scars on the skin. However there are several acne skin treatments that can effectively handle acne problems. One can also go for an acne scar remedy treatment.

The use of acne care products that are made for your particular skin type, like acne care natural skin products, can be rather effective in helping you maintain healthy skin. With such products, you will not be using anti oil treatments that are not oily, nor are you using dry skin treatments on oily skin. The kind of skin treatment you use, whether it is for acne or any other skin problem, should always be compatible with the kind of skin you have to give you the best possible results for your skin dilemma.

Best natural acne skin treatments :

Acne skin treatments based on Pulp from fruits like orange or grapefruit is good for severe acne, especially cystic acne cure, because of the acidic properties. Just strain the juice from the pulp, and apply the pulp to the affected area.

Yet another good natural treatment is calendula. Calendula can be digested orally or you can make tea from calendula flower and wash you face with the tea.

Eating fiber-rich foods like fruit and vegetables, wholegrains and cereals help to clean out your digestive tract. One of the reasons people get acne is because their colons are dirty. Undigested processed food and mucus over the years form really toxic stuff called mucoid plaque.

If you've had for many years a diet with regular servings of some of the following: Fried food, animal food (including dairy), sugar, tea or coffee, white flower, microwaved food, hydrogenated fats and drugs such as alcohol or aspirin then, you more than likely have mucoid plaque in your body.

Natural skin care products for acne treatments also contain vitamins like A, B6 and C, along with minerals like zinc, which not treat acne but also nourish the skin. Along with using natural skin care products for acne treatment, it is also advised to keep the infected area clean, and maintain a nutritious diet rich in vegetables and fruits.

To help with cleansing your system of impurities and clearing your skin you should drink plenty of water everyday. You can also consume more fiber such as psyllium to help move your digestion along. You should also start to consume more of Vitamin A, C and E which are critical to in the health of your skin.

Despite doing everything right to try to prevent pimples, you can still get breakouts. If you want avoid the harmful chemicals that can be contain in the more common medical treatments you can try a more natural approach.

Read about Herbal Remedies and also read about Unusual Gifts and Birthday Idea

Natural Cures For Anxiety
Topic: Health and Wellness 2:49 am EST, Jan  7, 2009

There are five elements of nature - Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Either (sky). All these put together is nature. All these are found in our body too. So our elders proclaimed that whatever takes place in the nature around takes place in the man too. We are only a part and parcel of nature. So our body is as holy as the Mother Nature.

Natural cures for anxiety can help you if you are suffering from anxiety disorder. You need not depend on only ant-anxiety medicines for relief. Many of these anti-anxiety medicines have side effects and withdrawal systems when you discontinue taking them. It is also a fact that many of these anti-anxiety medicines just attack the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. Read on to discover natural cures for anxiety...

Plants like St .Johns Wort have been used for hundreds of years as an aid to depression. They are also useful for anxiety. Tests suggest that the active ingredient within St Johns Wort helps to increase the amount of Serotonin in the central nervous system. Serotonin influences how the central nervous system works and controls moods.

Deep breathing exercises reduce anxiety levels. A short, quick therapy is to breath in for a count of 5, hold for a count of 5 and release slowly counting to 5.

Physical activity reduces anxiousness and releases endorphins that improve mood, in general

Avoid sugar, caffeine, stimulants, ginseng, over the counter appetite suppressants and smoking. These increase blood pressure, heart rate and overuse can lead to adrenal exhaustion, a condition being seen more often in our caffeine driven society.

Relaxation. Learning to relax is the vital key to a healthy body and mind. Anxiety disorders are the body`s response to high stress and ongoing worries. Yoga techniques will help, however yoga methods do require lots of time to be mastered. Try to avoid things that may remind you of possible traumas you had in the past, and keep your mind distracted at all times. Listening to relaxation music does work as well, it`s highly recommended.

Exercise: Believe it or not, exercise does not only give you a healthy body, but a healthy mind as well. And having a healthy mind is an important asset when trying to control your anxiety.

Sleep: When you don't get enough sleep, you are more prone to having stress, and stress will make you more susceptible to panic attacks. SO make sure you get that 8 hours of sleep every night.

Learning yoga, destressing and involving yourselves in sport activities also helps in eliminating anxiety attacks. With the one move technique, you will be able to reduce the frequency of anxiety attacks and soon eliminate all chances of anxiety.

If you made the commitment, it is a lot easier, all you need is to take action, and you are the only one that has the ability to succeed. A rapid and proven natural remedy for anxiety tested by thousands of people to stop panic attacks forever is the One Move Method also known as Panic Away, created by Joe Barry, a former sufferer.

Read about Herbal Remedies and also read about Unusual Gifts and Birthday Idea

Natural Treatment For Constipation
Topic: Health and Wellness 2:11 am EST, Jan  1, 2009

If you are suffering from constipation then you may be pleased to learn that home cures for constipation are generally much more effective than the expensive remedies you can buy over the counter from the pharmacy. Constipation is defined as when bowel movements occur fewer than 3 times a week. When someone is constipated, bowel movements are often dry, hard, small and painful to pass.

Natural Treatment For Constipation You Can Try Right Away

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables-at least 5 portions a day.

Take a Vitamin C supplement as this can strengthen the immune system, helping prevent conditions which might cause constipation.

Consider taking magnesium supplements as some experts believe these can help soften stools.

Guava with seeds, due to its roughness, can give relief to constipation. Giving bran cereal to infants and children can help in safeguarding them from constipation. Drinking of milk with extra sugar or honey can also help in elders. Daily exercises are important in preventing constipation. You do not need to exercise vigorously; walking 30 to 40 minutes daily will be enough.

Eating refined, devitalized foods that do not contain enough fiber or bulk; lack of muscular tone in the bowels; improper mastication of food; meat diet; too many varieties of food at one meal; eating food that is too concentrated; using coffee, tea, and liquor of all kinds; irregular habits of attending to the calls of nature; sedentary life and lack of exercise are other contributing factors to this almost universal ailment.

You can also consider increasing your intake of vitamin C as this can help strengthen the immune system, fighting off any illnesses which could cause constipation. In addition to this, many experts consider that a magnesium supplement can help to soften stools.

Apple pectin and folic acid are other supplements you can consider taking. A lack of folic acid has been associated with constipation and apple pectin is fiber rich and can aid the passage of food.

Another way to help constipation is to drink plenty of fluids to help keep the stools soft. Around 8 glasses of water is a beneficial amount. Not only will this aid the passage of food, but it will help ensure the correct functioning of the other internal organs. If you do not like the taste of water, other fluids such as weak fruit juices are fine.

Tissue Salts

Kali Mur - for mucous membranes Nat Mur - for regulating fluid Nat Sulph - for 'toxic' bowel

Constipation can also be caused from repeatedly ignoring the urge to defecate for reasons such as running late, or unwillingness to use public toilets. This type of constipation can start in childhood due to being busy playing or watching a DVD and then becomes a habit. It is very important in children to make sure they use their bowels regularly to avoid long term constipation problems.


Maintain a well balanced diet and regular exercise to maintain regular bowel movements. If this doesn't work and constipation is still a problem consult a medical practitioner to see if there are any physical causes such as under active thyroid or liver.

Read about Natural Remedies and also read about Easy Weight Loss and Green Tea Weight Loss

How To Get Rid Of Head Lice
Topic: Health and Wellness 2:05 am EST, Jan  1, 2009

Head lice. Just hearing that term makes me shudder. These little buggers will get into your hair, lay their offspring and keep reproducing happily until you put a stop to it. But who is a risk and how do you get rid of them?

Head lice are tiny bugs that live in the hair of humans. It is common for children to get them at school. You can catch these lice by being in close contact with someone who is infected. That is why it can be so prevalent in grade school because children play close together, share hats, combs and other items that can spread the things.

The good news about head lice is that they are not known to do any real harm. They don't carry any type of infectious disease. The only thing that these head lice do is make our scalps itch. Annoying, yes. But certainly not something to get overly alarmed about. So while head lice may sound like a horrible thing, it's not going to kill you or do anything truly harmful to you. However, you don't want to live with it because it can be very annoying.

To get rid of head lice can be a daunting task, but popular home products have proven to be effective. They include chlorine treatment cycle, lysol, dye, Vinegar, alcohol, Vaseline, special combs and over the counter medication. If you need to treat the problem naturally you can do so with alternative cures including tea tree cure, olive oil, natural aloe soaps and shampoos.

Cleaning the house and common places used such as in the bathroom and bedroom of the infected person. Strip the bed and clean all of the bedding in a hot cycle of the washing. Brushes, combs and towels will have to be cleaned and disinfected. Taking precautionary measures can save trouble and the spreading of the lice to the entire family.

Body lice are parasites that live on the human body and in the clothing or bedding of infested people. Lice is an equally opportunity insect, and can infect anyone regardless of race, nationality or income level. The lice has been known to attach itself to body hair, but proper hygiene and sanitary housekeeping can keep this pest at bay.

Coconut oil and olive oil are claimed to exhibit a mild pesticide quality that can help kill adult lice, but these claims have yet to be substantiated, so don't overspend on soaps and shampoos that contain these products.

Lotion and Repellents

There are many different types of lotions and repellents on the market today. The problem with all of these is that they may work for a while. They still fail to get the eggs and prevent the lice from reappearing. They also suggest that you should also use a lice comb after you use their product. This basically means that you can spend extra money on lotions and repellents and still end up using the most natural and effective options.

Read about Natural Remedies and also read about Easy Weight Loss and Green Tea Weight Loss

How to Gain Weight Fast
Topic: Health and Wellness 1:46 am EST, Dec 27, 2008

Gaining weight is a constant struggle for many people. Whether due to eating disorders, chronic illnesses, or a hyperactive metabolism, this inability to get bigger can affect athletes as well as people who are not athletic. For some, this can lead to medical issues in the future. For others, this can impact their performance in sports and other competitions. This article will describe some tips you can use to gain weight safely and healthily.

Here’s the process:

Try to stay away from junk food. While McDonald's and Taco Bell do have a good amount of fat and calories in them they are not the type of calories you want. Naturally thin people can eat this type of food all day but your still not going to gain any weight. If you do gain a little bit it will not be muscle which is what you want.

Having A Proper Workout Routine

Proper workout is extremely important because eating alone will not help you gain weight. The secret of gaining weight fast is to have the proper combination of diet and workout.

A personal trainer would be the best option for anyone looking to pack on a few pounds. The problem with personal trainers is they are expensive and you are confined to a time schedule. Most people just do not have the capabilities to lock down the same couple hours every other day required by a trainer.

Choose Your Supplements Wisely.

There are lots of supplements to choose from on the market and 99% of them are inferior to natural food for building muscle to gain weight. Natural food is higher in many naturally occuring vitamins and minerals benficial for muscle growth.

Stay away from weight gain powders. These are just empty calories not much different than most junk foods on the market.

Supplements that are worth trying are Creatine monohydrate , L Glutamine ( in moderation and carefully) and a good healthy protein powder without artificial sweeteners, colors and flavours( more on in a later lesson).

Get the right quantity of nutrients into your system.

You need to feed your body with the right amount of nutrients to allow your body to rebuild after a hard and heavy training session. The work out will tear your body down, you the nutrients act as a fuel to keep your body going, and rebuild. So plenty of good quality nutrients.

The other part of how to gain weight fast lies with adequate nutrition and diet. You need to make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet as this is the building blocks of your muscles. Most experts recommend eating at least 1g of protein for every pound of your body weight. This might sound like a lot and you may need to take protein shakes to help you reach this goal.

Follow A Proven Program Built Around Hard Gainers

Following a program that has worked for other skinny people before you is a great way to stay motivated. Skinny people who have put on a good amount of size have a bond kind of like a club or gang. They know what it is like for a skinny person to begin the journey to break out of the body type they have into one they can be proud of. Also knowing that people who were skinny that followed the program got great results will help you to not give up before you have reached your full potential.

Read about Home Remedies and also read about Treatment for Depression and Diarrhea Causes

Side Effects of Quitting Smoking
Topic: Health and Wellness 1:46 am EST, Dec 27, 2008

Another name for side effects of stopping smoking is withdrawal symptoms. And then there are side effects from the stop smoking aids depending on the individual and their addictions, which are used while trying to lessen the withdrawal symptoms. Fortunately, there are very few stop smoking side effects.

Here is a discussion of what to prepare to experience:

The basic quit smoking side effects, are dependent on how long you have been smoking, and at what age you began... If you began smoking while not fully grown, your body may have developed some highly sensitive nicotine receptors. Those receptors may end up making it even harder for you to quit smoking as opposed to the smoker, who began in his early twenties. Even though he might be that much older than you, and you have smoked for the same number of years, he may not be suffering from this quit smoking side effect.

The more activities you can concentrate on instead of smoking, the better your chances are for success in achieving a smoke free life.

For one, it will help you fight the stress you endure when you quit. Remember, you were addicted to a powerful substance - nicotine. By replacing the times that you usually smoke with alternative activities, you start changing your thinking towards smoking. You start to develop healthy habits. You start feeling better. The cravings that you endure start becoming less. Eventually they disappear altogether.

Changes in Behavior

Those who stop smoking report side effects in the way they act during the withdrawal period as well. In particular, those who have recently quit report irritability, depression, or feelings of anger during the withdrawal period. While those sorts of feelings are certainly not desirable, keep in mind that this is a temporary problem! If you are worried about the effect this will have on your friends and family, please let them know before you stop smoking about these side effects so they can prepare and help you through the worst of it.

Another factor that contributes to many ex smokers experiencing weight gain is the fact that now food tastes better and they have a tendency to overeat. So use common sense. Develop a plan to avoid this. Start to exercise more. A simple walk will do wonders to help you with your cravings.

What you have to remember is that the quit smoking side effects are only temporary. As you progress down the road to a healthier you, the symptoms soon pass.

Another common side effect of quitting smoking is weight gain. Within a few days after you quit smoking, your sense of smell begins returning to normal as do your taste buds. Food both smells and tastes better and eating becomes more pleasurable. With your body denied the pleasure of smoking, you may transfer your pleasure addiction to food. After you finish eating, you'll want a cigarette; eating will temporarily stem the desire for a cigarette, but overeating causes weight gain and no one wants to gain weight!

Read about Home Remedies and also read about Treatment for Depression and Diarrhea Causes

How to Maintain Your Weight
Topic: Health and Wellness 1:31 am EST, Dec 23, 2008

A lot of people who struggle with their weight become worried or anxious when it comes down to dining out. One of the main reasons behind this fear is embarrassment of appearing too picky. It is often difficult to have a good time socializing when you are constantly thinking of your commitment to your waistline. This is especially true when the dinner plans are a first date. In this situation, a lot of people set aside their weight loss goals and order anything on the menu.

Maintaining weight loss starts with losing weight in the right way. Many people who are able to keep the weight off have actually lost the weight over a long period of time. They don't follow crash diets or attempt to lose five pounds a day. They slowly and surely change their eating habits and increase their activity levels so that they lost weight regularly.

Once you have reached your ideal weight, be sure to upkeep with your workout regimen. Exercise at least 30 to 60 minutes each day. You should also eat 3 healthy meals each day, starting with a nutrient rich breakfast. You should also be sure to include five servings of fruit and vegetables into your daily diet.

Another key to maintaining your weight loss is to keep exercising. Your exercise level should stay on par with what it was while you were learning weight. To avoid getting bored with your exercise routine, try a new activity, such as martial arts or belly dancing. Find ways to incorporate more activity into your daily life. Take the stairs, park far away from your destination and look for family friendly activities that you can share together.

Increase your activity level. The human body is built to walk, run, hunt, jump and so on. But most people these days sit in front of the computer or Tv screen. Exercise improves weight loss and is very important to maintain your weight also. The more you move yourself the more you burn calories.

Count calories and nutrients, measure your portion sizes, weigh your food, plan your menus in writing and monitor your body weight and body fat percentage. If keep absolutely no count of your calories, then you can easily gain all the weight back very quickly.

Eat Low-Energy-Dense Foods. Mayo Clinic developed a Healthy Weight Pyramid to "encourage weight loss, weight maintenance and long term health." Low-energy-dense foods (lower calorie foods that make you feel full), are an important part of the pyramid. Fruits and vegetables are low-energy-dense foods and you may eat all you want.

Other Very Useful Tips:

Identify your poor habits and start to break them with habits that will serve you.
Avoid getting into habits that could be a permanent problem such as a cappuccino one day and before you now you are having a cappuccino everyday.
Form a support group at work.
Depending on the length of your lunch time – maybe go to the gym at this time or go waling with a few colleagues a certain amount of days a week.

Read about Herbal Remedies and also read about Constipation Relief and Malaria Symptoms

Weight Loss Myths
Topic: Health and Wellness 1:26 am EST, Dec 23, 2008

Contradictory advice when it comes to weight loss can be a frustrating and confusing source of stress for people trying to knock off the pounds. There are many myths that people may follow with the intentions of losing weight that may actually hinder success. The following myths relating to weight loss can deter success.

Let's shine a light on some of these weight loss myths that may be preventing you from attaining and maintaining your ideal body:

Losing weight is hard. Losing weight is not inherently difficult. It's your belief that losing weight is hard that makes it hard. It can be as easy as you allow it to be. Ask yourself: How easy can I allow this process to be? How easy can I stand it?

Experts are the ultimate source of accurate information on weight loss. Nope. The ultimate authority on you and your body is YOU. Tune in to your emotional guidance system, listen to the wisdom of your body, and you'll find yourself firmly on the path to your optimum weight.

Eating a NO carbohydrate diet... Eating low complex carbohydrates is best e.g. potatoes, veggies vs. simple carbs white flour, sugar drinks. The body main source of energy (including the brain) is carbohydrate not protein.

Myth: Working abs for flat tummy... Constantly working on abdominals may lead to an increase in muscle imbalances and affect posture. Exercising major muscles in a total body workout burns more calories...e.g. chest, legs, back, shoulders.

Skipping meals- Most people think that by starving themselves they would be able to lose weight fast. Actually it goes the other way around. Your body tends to go into a mode where you start storing more calories as fat as you are skipping meals and starving yourself therefore you would not see much of a change as far as weight loss is concerned in this case.

Fat free and Low-fat foods contain no calories

Low fat and fat free alternatives may contain fewer calories than their full-fat counterparts but this isn't necessarily the case. Some may contain more calories! This can be due to the addition of added sugars to improve the flavour once the fat has been removed. It is advised that you read the nutritional information on the packaging of the product you are buying for a better comparison.

Eating Celery and Cabbage help you burn More Calories

Again this myth is untrue. No food can help you burn calories. Caffeine however can temporarily boost the metabolism but high doses should definitely be avoided.Weight Loss

Supplements Are A Scam

If someone tries to sell you a pill that will miraculously make your pounds disappear, it's probably a scam. Losing weight is definitely possible with all-natural supplements, but in order to keep it off for good you must learn to make it a lifestyle change and continue on a healthy path to overall wellness.

This is only a small portion of what I learned that helped me jump off the weight loss roller coaster. You won't find a solution in one magic pill or the latest trend in fitness. Through my mistakes and experience, I am now able to help people make healthy choices when it comes to weight loss and dispel those weight loss myths.

Read about Herbal Remedies and also read about Constipation Relief and Malaria Symptoms

Tips on How to Prevent Hair Loss
Topic: Health and Wellness 2:11 am EST, Dec 15, 2008

Instead of waiting months and months for your hair to grow back the way you want it to, you can actually prevent hair loss in just weeks.

Not only will your hair loss come to a stop, but you will enjoy thicker, luscious hair like you used to. Suffering from the loss of your hair certainly isn't something most people take lightly. The problem lies in the fact that many are taking the wrong approach to fixing the problem.

Here are some tips below that you need to follow in order to have the best success:

Gently massage your scalpel with fingertips after applying a hair oil like coconut oil or sesame oil.

Eat Indian gooseberry in any form early in the day. Don't take gooseberry based products later in the night as it can affect your beautiful dental line.

Boil fresh or dried and powdered Indian gooseberry (also called amla) in coconut oil. Apply this for nourishing hair growth.

Eat Calcium in Your Diet

If you want to know how to prevent hair loss, one thing that you can do is to eat calcium in your diet. This is important to how your body functions and it also helps to strengthen the roots and follicles of the hair.

Use Great Conditioners and Shampoos

Using quality conditioners and shampoos is important as well. You want to use a shampoo that will clean your hair without being too harsh on it. Conditioners should provide deep conditioning to your hair without making it greasy. Although you may spend a bit more on great shampoos and conditioners, it will be well worth going with quality products if it helps you to avoid hair loss.

The style that you wear your hair can also be a hair loss prevention opportunity. When ever possible, avoid pulling hair into styles that require it to be pulled tight and bound with elastic for long periods of time. While hair accessories have become much more hair friendly during recent years, hairstyle such as tight ponytail, pig tails and cornrows can still do damage to the hair shaft and ultimately to the hair follicle.

A way to pamper yourself doubles as a hair loss prevention idea. Using satin or silk pillowcases, is thought to prevent hair loss due to the fact that a silk or satin pillowcase will cause less friction while sleeping than a cotton or flannel pillowcase. This is because the head and the hair slide across the pillow instead of needing to be forcefully pushed across.

Massaging the scalp daily can also help to promote more blood flow to the scalp for faster hair growth. Try to stay away from pulling your hair back in a ponytail or any other tight hair clip as this can damage your hair and irritate your scalp. You should also try to stay away from high heat things such as blow dryers and curling irons as the heat can damage the hair, making it brittle and cause breaking.

You want to stay away from over washing your hair and try not to use the shampoos that contain harsh chemicals as this can dry your hair out and remove the nat... [ Read More (0.1k in body) ]

How To Build Muscle Quickly
Topic: Health and Wellness 2:11 am EST, Dec 15, 2008

Human beings are naturally impatient, and this even extends to the pursuit of a hard body. Many will ask how to build muscle quickly and, in fact, there are some solid tips that you can follow to get yourself results within a matter of weeks.

First of all, when you start working out to build your muscles, you want to be careful not to over-do it. Sure, it may seem like the harder you work, the more reps you do, and the more weight you lift, the faster you will see results, but wrong!

There is a method to building muscle mass, and over-exerting yourself will not help you reach your goals any faster. Additionally, if you strain or damage a muscle, you will lose weeks or even months of workout time due to recovery. You can’t build muscle when you’re lying on your back!

The heavy weights your lifting should be around 70-80 percent of your max strength because the more muscle you break down the more it has to repair and the more repairing being done means more muscle added to your frame each time you recover. When you build muscle quick you should also be working out quick, no longer then an hour in the gym at a time or you will build up lactic acid in your body and it will have a negative effect on your progress.

Cut Out Any Aerobics

While aerobics are great for cardio, they won't help in building muscles. In fact, they interfere with muscle building and burn glycogen.

Eat Meat And Fish

Be sure to eat lean red meats and fish. Such as, salmon that contains high amounts of Omega-3. The proteins in meat will enhance and create added muscle growth. The more the better!

Rest your body! You should have a day of lifting followed by a day of rest. This means no exercising of the muscles two days in a row. Many body builders will work certain sets of muscles one day then use an entirely different set the next day. This is perfectly fine as long as you let one set of muscles rest so that they can heal. The other form of rest you must have is sleep. Do not skimp on the sleep your body requires to heal. Like we mentioned above muscle mass is built by healing muscles.

Proper hydration is crucial to building muscles. Water carries nutrients to the cells, helps the body eliminate waste, regulates body temperature and cushions the joints. All of these things are crucial to a healthy body and a good work out.


When trying to build muscles quickly, you should definitely add lean red meats (steak), lean chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, and eggs to your meal plan. It's important that you eat lean meats. Although, salmon and red meats have fats in them, they will help you increase your testosterone levels, which will help with muscle growth, fat loss, and tremendous increase in your strength.

Check Your Doctor Regularly

For a proper muscle growth, it's important for you to check your physician on a regular basis. The reason is that your doctor would provide you useful tips on staying healthy.

Take Plenty of Sleep

To build muscle fast, take sufficient sleep like 8 to 10 hours daily. The reason is that plenty of sleeping will successfully relax and build your muscle mass. A lot of muscle growth takes place while sleeping so feel free to sleep in when you can.

Read about Natural Remedies and also read about Acne Cause and Dark Circles Under Eyes

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