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Jock Itch - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Topic: Health and Wellness 2:51 am EST, Dec 10, 2008

Jock itch (tinea cruris) is a pretty common fungal infection of the groin and upper thighs. Jock itch is also sometimes called crack fungus, crotch itch, bag rot or crotch rot, dhobi itch (after Indian washermen). It is a common fungal infection that affects the skin of your inner thighs, buttocks and genitals. Men and women encounter the disease worldwide, although it is seen more often in the humid tropics.

The symptoms of jock itch are:

Itching and redness in your groin area, genitals, buttocks, anal area and inner thighs.

Burning sensation in the reddened areas.

Peeling or flaking of the skin in these areas.

Causes of jock itch

Unhygienic practices, such as not changing underwear daily and sharing of towels and other intimate apparel, are the primary causes of jock itch. You could also catch jock itch if you come in contact with persons who are suffering from the skin disease or you use and share towels, bed, blankets, shorts and pants with someone who has jock itch. If you feel that your partner is already displaying symptoms of jock itch, it would be wise to change towels and bed sheets immediately so that you will not catch the disease too.

Jock Itch- Treatment

For mild cases of jock itch, you may use anti-fungal creams, powders or ointments. If the problem does not resolve in two weeks, your doctor may prescribe oral anti-fungals. Sometimes, lot of scratching may cause secondary bacterial infections. Your doctor will prescribe you medication for that.

Get your air dryer

If you have a hair dryer available, turn it on cool and blow-dry your privates. Al that dry air helps to turn the dampness to desert, depriving the fungus of their moist hideaways. Use the dryer after every shower or bath when you are home.

Garlic and honey are also good choices. These two have antifungal properties that help solve the jock itch problem. Apply the two alternatively on the area for a more favorable result. Be sure to stay away also from foods that contain yeasts. The right diet can keep the growth of the fungal infection.

When you are done, rinse the area thoroughly and pat it dry. Apply some antifungal powder or cream, such as clotrimazole or miconazole, which are sold over the counter. Spread the cream or powder gently over the rash. At home treatments for jock itch are not meant to be used indefinitely. You will have to follow the cream or powder instructions, but you must not stop your medication simply because you feel that the itch has gone. Moreover, do not scratch the affected area, as this can irritate your skin further.

Always clean the area with soap and water. The affected part would always have dried skin in and around it. This is common with jock itches. Gently wash the dried skin out using mild anti-bacterial soap and clean water. After which, liberally apply the anti-fungal cream up and beyond the edges. This is the proper way on how to cure jock itch.

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Jaundice - Causes, Treatment and Symptoms
Topic: Health and Wellness 2:50 am EST, Dec 10, 2008

Jaundice is a symptom of hepatitis, jaundice causes your skin and your eyes appear yellow. The yellow color of the skin and eyes are caused by an excess amount of bilirubin. Bilirubin is a yellow chemical in hemoglobin which builds up in the body when the liver cannot handle the blood cells as they break down, body and your skin may look yellow.

Causes of Jaundice

The high level of bilirubin is the main cause of jaundice. However, it is better that we are able to understand how this chemical component of the blood is being released. The red blood cells are the ones responsible with the bilirubin. When these cells get old, they are naturally destroyed. Since the blood cells are the carriers of iron-content called hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood, this chemical is released from the destroyed cells. When the iron is removed, the remaining chemical content is called bilirubin.

Jaundice occurs when there is too many red blood cells destroyed and its waste product is too much for the liver to remove. Also, when the liver malfunctions and is not fit to remove the bilirubin in the blood, thus it accumulates in the blood. Lastly, blockage in the bile ducts that cause the flow of the bile and bilirubin to decrease.

Jaundice occurs when there is too many red blood cells destroyed and its waste product is too much for the liver to remove. Also, when the liver malfunctions and is not fit to remove the bilirubin in the blood, thus it accumulates in the blood. Lastly, blockage in the bile ducts that cause the flow of the bile and bilirubin to decrease.


The most common sign of jaundice in cats is a yellowish color to the skin, gums, or whites of the eyes. Other symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, breathing difficulty, and lethargy. It is also common for cats with jaundice to lose their appetite which usually results in weight loss.

Treatment of Jaundice

The diagnosis is reached with blood tests which show the functions of the liver and a physical examination of the patient. Treatment is symptomatic and the cause of jaundice has to be eliminated from the system. If the cause is gall stones, then removal of the stones will immediately relive the person of this problem. Similarly if the person has been consuming alcohol in excess this could also be the cause which could result in cirrhosis of the liver. The person should maintain a non fatty diet for a while and the give the liver a chance to recoup from the onslaught of the disease.

Berberis is a very effective herb for all kinds of liver ailments, especially jaundice. So effective is the herb that it is nicknamed ‘jaundice berry’. It is a bitter tonic which must be given to a jaundice patient several times a day in does of quarter teaspoons. The fluid extract of the fruit also has similar properties.

All parts of the chicory plant are useful in the treatment of liver ailments. The flowers, seeds and roots are the most often used. The juice of the chicory can help in the treatment of sluggishness of the liver, obstruction of the flow of bile and the enlargement of the spleen; all of which are associated with jaundice. Chicory can also promote the healthy secretion of the bile.

Haleemaka: This is an advanced stage of pandu roga (anemia). This occurs when both vata and pitta are vitiated. The disease is manifested with greenish-yellow discolouration, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, body ache, burning sensation, loss of taste and dizziness.

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Diabetes - Type 2 Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:45 am EST, Dec  4, 2008

Type 2 diabetes is getting increasingly common in developed countries. Other developing countries are seeing a fast emerging trend of the disease. Diabetes type 2 is caused by insulin deficiency and hyperglycemia. Although this disease is more common in adults over 40, it is increasingly seen in young teenagers and even children. This worrying trend is linked to the rising rates of obesity as well as inactivity.

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes

The causes of diabetes type 2 are increased development of glucose in the liver, insulin abnormalities, genes and the environment. There are many other causes such as obesity, old age, heredity conditions and also alcoholism which can play a role in the occurrence of diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms


The level of glucose in your blood stream is going to be high if you are a diabetic patient and this will cause an excessive amount of blood flowing to your kidneys, indirectly increasing the frequency of urination. With this and the symptom of profuse sweating, you risk getting your body into dehydration.


Hunger is one of the misleading symptoms of diabetes. This is because when people feel hungry, they tend to eat more food with more carbohydrate such as rice and noodle which will only boost the development of type 2 diabetes. Due to the low insulin level that prevents the transfer of energy from glucose into your cells, one may feel hungry very easily.


Stomach cramps are often something which is a result of untreated type 2 diabetes. If you are noticing symptoms along this line, at the same time as others mentioned here, you should seek professional help.


Constipation is commonly present in type 2 diabetes sufferers that have gone untreated. Constipation along with stomach cramps are very common symptoms.

Other symptoms can range from increased hunger, even after eating a meal, to nausea or vomiting. Blurred vision is sometimes noted and if left unchecked the condition can cause permanent damage to the eyes.

Tingling in the hands or feet may be noticed early on in the condition. If left untreated the small blood vessels that supply the nerves of the hands and feet can become damaged, leading to pain and other more serious complications.

Diabetes - Type 2 Treatment

Gymnema sylvestre is a herb native to the tropical forests of southern and central India where it has been used as a naturopathic treatment for diabetes for nearly two millennia. This herb has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels when used for an extended period of time. The active ingredient is thought to be gurmenic acid which has structure similar to saccharose. Extracts of Gymnema is not only claimed to curb sweet tooths but also for treatment of as varied problems as hyperglycemia, obesity, high cholesterol levels, anemia and digestion.

Type 2 diabetes is close to epidemic proportions in America due to the unhealthy lifestyle of little exercise and unhealthy diets.

Usually type 2 diabetics do not require insulin and can take oral drugs instead. The specific treatment that will work for you depends on a number of factors, including age, overall health and medical history. The severity of the disease and your tolerance to medication will also be taken in to consideration.

Read about Natural Remedies and also read about Shock Treatment and Wart Treatment

Treatments for Depression
Topic: Health and Wellness 5:45 am EST, Dec  4, 2008

If you have suffered from depression, then you know how difficult it can be to find a good, non-addictive treatment for the symptoms of depression. Many prescription medications can be addictive. There are also many products that claim to be natural treatments for depression. How can you evaluate these products to find the correct one?

The problem with that commercial is that they talk about medication then scare you with all the different side effects. It would be better if they would give more information about natural depression treatments so people wouldn't have so many problems with medication.

Depression can be treated in different ways, depending on the severity of the condition. If a person has a mild condition, psychotherapies are offered and can be as effective as medication. If the condition is more severe, medication will probably be needed, but psychotherapy may be used as a supplement.


It is still a very current tool in treating Depression. Talk therapy or counseling as it is also called can help you to work out sleeping, eating, and other issues that might be affecting your depressive symptoms. It can help you to recognize negative thinking and how to change it. In mild cases of Depression Psychotherapy treatment may be all that's necessary. For the most part though, it is usually prescribed in conjunction with other treatments such as anti-depressants.

Before hormone treatment for depression one should consult a neuroendocrinologist to get a hormone profile. knowing the level of estrogen and progesterone in the beginning and at the end of the month. Accordingly hormone is administered to reduce he severity of depression. The use of get happy pacemakers is also getting popular for the treatment of depression. The principle of get of happy pacemaker is based on vagal nerve. This nerve connects the brain with heart, lungs and stomach.

Psychotherapy is called a variety of things such as talk therapy or counseling. While there are various techniques within psychotherapy, it basically allows you to talk about your life and anything that may be affecting your depression. Trauma, abuse, death of someone close, and/or chronic illnesses can all contribute to your depression and moods.

Western Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements include the herbs Chamomile, Milk Thistle and Valerian to name just a few. These herbs and others known to ease Depression are blended with vitamins, minerals, and other nutritive substances. They must be made to pharmaceutical standards.

They must also test the ingredients’ metabolism at the molecular level and test the interactions of the ingredients. This is to guarantee their potency, effectiveness, purity, and safety.


Chinese medicine treatments for Depression include specific herbs and anti-depressants. Depression is believed to be a heart problem because emotions can cause chest constriction. Anti-depressants are used in treating Depression.

Read about Natural Remedies and also read about Shock Treatment and Wart Treatment

How to Get Rid of Oily Skin
Topic: Health and Wellness 3:50 am EST, Dec  2, 2008

Oily skin is not a disease, its just a skin texture that makes you uncomfortable from which you want to get rid of. Due to lack of proper guidance and information on oily skin care available, it has turned into one of the major skin problems resulting into pimples, acne, blackheads and many more.

Oily skin is the right environment for the P.acnes bacteria to flourish. With more oil in the glands and on the skin, these bacteria infect many glands and produce acne. If you have oily skin, please manage it properly, otherwise your chances of getting acne are high.

Gently cleanse without scrubbing.

Instead of harshly scrubbing your skin, try applying a cleanser with cold water. Using your fingertips only, softly work the lather onto your face using circular motions.

Don’t forget the astringent.

It is very important to apply an astringent at least twice daily. Sea Breeze or Witch Hazel tends to work great for my skin.

You need to drink a lot of water each day. Drink around 10-12 full glasses of water each day. Water will get rid of the toxins in the body that are causing the acne. Natural healing is all about getting to the root of the problem, and in this case, it is toxins in the body. The water also aids in the healing process that the skin is going through. You will notice a big difference when you start drinking plenty of water.

The final off-the-shelf solution, if regular cleansers and soaps don't get rid of your acne on oily skin, is to buy acid facial cleansers. There are various types of cleansers with acids in their makeup, and these attacks the bacteria in acne better than regular cleansers do. While these acids are not corrosive enough to cause skin damage, certain people are allergic to certain types of acids, so you should consult with a dermatologist before trying these products out.

As a last note: avoid pills which claim to remove acne on oily skin. While body chemistry and diet do play a part in having oily skin, the various pills which claim to remove acne on oily skin are ineffective. Added chemicals in the body do not get rid of the bacteria in acne, nor do they help the skin metabolize oil, or whatever other claims these products make.

Accutane is a very drastic prescription only medication. The side effects can be quite severe and are common. Blood tests must be done on a weekly or monthly basis. Accutane will cease the production of oil by stopping the functionality of the sebaceous glands. Usually this was reserved for mild to severe acne patients. The complications are so severe there have been numerous class action lawsuits (just watch TV or look up Sokolove the attorneys office on the internet).

Lasers have been used in a limited capacity as they are still too expensive and are mostly effective on thee resultant scarring from the acne, not on the oilyness and excess sebum production.

Or try a mixture of tea tree oil and sea salt - this will get rid of excess oil without drying out your skin too much. Plain unflavoured yoghurt is good for oily skin, too - it acts as a cleanser and mops up extra oil from your skin.

Of course, you don't have to apply a mask every day, but regular face packs - say, once a week - will definitely help with excessively oily skin.

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How to Get Rid of a Fever Blister
Topic: Health and Wellness 3:49 am EST, Dec  2, 2008

You may have suffered from a fever blister or someone close to you. This infection is also known as cold sore. It can be quite embarrassing at times as it affects the facial area and cannot be hidden.

Fever blister is caused by Herpes Simplex virus type I. This virus enters your body through the mucous membrane and remains in a dormant state. When you wear loose dentures, loose orthodontic wires or a sharp edge from a broken tooth could break the mucous membrane allowing the virus a passage. A blister forms and when the water ruptures, an open yellowish or whitish would with a red border is left. This then heals slowly leaving no scar.

A fever blister is not a new virus, it is an old one that has been dormant but has been reactivated from emotions or illness. Stress may cause you to get emotionally overwhelmed and may cause a sore to form. Affected individuals often suffer from recurring attacks.

Get Rid of a Fever Blister

When you first feel the tenderness, a tingle or twinge on your lip hold a piece of ice, wrapped in a cloth, on the spot for as long as you can stand it. Repeat process several times a day. The ice will deaden the oncoming blister, which will prevent it from blistering up. It must be applied when tenderness is first noticed or it won’t help.

If a blister does appear break off a leaf from an Aloe Vera plant and rub the liquid gel to the blister. It smells nasty, but works wonders! Apply the Aloe Vera several times a day especially at night before bed. Your fever blister will dry up and go away within a few days. Make sure you keep a plant around the house. It’s easy to grow and works great for many problems.

Antiviral is the stuff that heals the fever blister. If your fever blister gets bad enough, you might want to go to the doctor and see about meeting with a dermatologist. Dermatologists work with the skin and treating fever blisters is on their job description. The point of this is to get an antiviral medication prescription which has been approved by the FDA.

To help flush out toxins, drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of filtered water every day.

Eliminate processed foods such as sodas, alcohol, refined carbohydrates, caffeine and sugar.

Eliminate fish or meat of any kind during an outbreak, as the consumption of animal protein increases the body's acidity, which slows the healing process.

Tea tree oil is helpful but remember that essential oils need to be diluted and not used full strength.

There are anti-viral medications such as valtrex which can suppress the virus which will require a prescription. Please check to see if this is compatible with your other medications or health conditions.

A systematic approach is important to have a plan and follow. This works well for business as well as healing cold sores. To know what you are doing methodically is very helpful in reducing the time of a cold sore and eliminating the problem.

Other remedies for fever blisters include natural drinks that are said to not only prevent an outbreak or diminish its effects if it does occur. One such drink is buttermilk. Another is simply drinking lots of water and ensuring that you are staying away from dusty environments.

Fever blisters can also be treated successfully using amino acids such as lysine. About 500 mg of lysine day will go a long way towards treating a fever blister outbreak. In addition to these it is also essential to get plenty of rest and to avoid spicy foods.

Read about Herbal Remedies and also read about Symptoms Hypothyroidism and Dizziness Causes

Celiac Disease - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Topic: Health and Wellness 3:56 am EST, Nov 26, 2008

Celiac disease, also known as gluten sensitive enteropathy is very common but frequently missed. It is an autoimmune disease of intestinal damage due to gluten in people who are genetically predisposed. Classic Celiac disease is diagnosed by abnormal blood tests and an abnormal appearing intestine on biopsy and symptoms that resolve with a gluten free diet.

Coeliac Disease Causes

The common Causes of Coeliac Disease:

The exact cause of coeliac disease is unknown.

Severe stress, physical injury, infection, pregnancy, childbirth or surgery may lead to symptoms developing.

Sensitivity to gluten is the cause of coeliac disease and this often runs in families, suggesting a genetic link.

Signs and Symptoms

Abdominal pain or cramps



Foul-smelling, grayish stools that may float and may be larger than normal


While diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating are thought of as the classic symptoms of celiac disease, especially with children, in adults these symptoms aren't always present, or noticeable. Some adults report headaches, fatigue and joint pain. Others report weight gain or weight loss, depression and hair loss -- symptoms not often associated with gut-related problems.

Treatment for Celiac Disease

The number one enemy of celiac is gluten in any form. Avoid all products containing barley, rye, wheat, oats, hydrolyzed vegetable or plant protein, textured vegetable protein, malt, modified food starch, binders, fillers, and "natural flavorings." Do not eat hot dogs, gravies, luncheon meat, beer, mustard, catsup, non-dairy creamer, white vinegar, curry powder, or seasonings. Be sure your nutritional supplements do not contain gluten. Gluten-free products are available at health food stores, call 800-633-3826 and ask for a gluten-free product catalog.

Because lactose intolerance often occurs with liac disease, eliminate milk and dairy products from your diet. For optimum heazlth, breastfeed your child for a longer period of time and postpone introducing cow's milk and grains into the diet until the child is older. Do not eat sugary products, processed foods, bouillon cubes, chocolate, or bottled salad dressings.

Herbal Medicine

A herbalist may prescribe slippery elm, marshmallow, camomile, or papain. Research indicates that papain - an extract of papaya, which is available as a supplement - may break down the gluten so that it does no harm.

Chinese Herbal Therapy Herbs that are sometimes used to treat the disorder include trifoliate orange (for digestive upset and abdominal bloating), fennel (to regulate and enhance digestive functions), and nutmeg (to tone the small intestine).

A blood test can now help doctors to tell if somebody is likely to have the condition.

Treatment consists of restricting gluten in the diet.

The only effective treatment of Coeliac disease is strict lifelong complete avoidance of Gluten found in cereals such as Wheat, Rye and Barley (many tolerate Oats).

However, the only way to confirm a diagnosis is to remove a small piece of tissue from the intestine for analysis in the laboratory.

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Canker Sore - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Topic: Health and Wellness 3:54 am EST, Nov 26, 2008

Canker sores, also known as aphthous ulcers, are small sores that occur inside the mouth. You can get them on the tongue and on the inside of the cheeks and lips — the parts of the mouth that can move. They usually pop up alone, but sometimes they show up in small clusters.

Causes Canker Sores

Toothpaste and Mouthwash - Believe it or not, your toothpaste could be what causes canker sores in your mouth. If it contains SLS, or sodium lauryl sulfate, then your toothpaste can create a higher rate of canker sores.

SLS has a drying effect on the inside of your lips and gums. This makes the tissues on these areas much more accessible to acids found in many foods and drinks.

There is not a single, explicit cause of canker sores despite the fact that they're quite common. However, injury to the inside of the mouth, emotional stress, and genetics play a part in increasing the risk of developing the condition.Immunological disorders, allergies, and hormonal imbalances also make certain individuals more likely to come down with a canker sore.

Signs and Symptoms

Small, white or yellow sores with red borders that appear on the inside of the mouth-on the tongue, gums, soft palate, or the inside surfaces of the cheeks and lips

Sores may appear singly or in clusters

Pain at the site

Are There Prescription Medications Available As A Canker Sore Cure?

Yes, there are quite a few prescription medications that your health care professional can prescribe to help as a canker sore treatment. Prescription medications like Peridex, Aphthasol, and Tetracycline can provide the help you're looking for.

Canker Sore Treatment

Acidophilus - Many folks are known to take 2-3 acidophilus tablets 3-4 times a day as a canker sore treatment. The key is to be sure the capsules have live cultures. Yogurt is another good option that contains the same ingredient.

Plum Juice - Use 1-2 tablespoons of plum juice as a mouth wash and rinse with it for 2-3 minutes. Or, take a cotton ball soaked in plum juice and hold it against the canker sore for a few minutes.

The most important thing you can do to prevent canker sores, or any health problem for that matter, is to practice a healthy lifestyle. Eat a variety of healthy foods, get plenty of sleep, and exercise several times per week. These simple steps will keep your immune system functioning well and your stress levels low.

Read about Home Remedies Also Read about Home Remedies for Toothache and Home Remedies for Head Lice

Symptoms of Liver Cancer
Topic: Health and Wellness 2:20 am EST, Nov 25, 2008

The liver is located just below the right lung and diaphragm. It is divided into right and left lobes. The liver receives blood from the heptic artery and the portal vein. The hepatic artery supplies the oxygen-rich blood, while the portal vein nutrient-rich blood from the intestines.

The liver secretes bile into the intestine to help absorb nutrients. The liver also helps in removing toxic wastes from our body.

Types Of Live Cancer

Most primary liver tumors are known as hepatomas (hepatocellular carcinoma and primary lower cell carcinoma). Some primary liver cancers originate in the bile duct and these are known as cholangiomas. Some rare liver cancers include Kupffer cell sarcoma and hepatoblastomas (which occur almost exclusively in children and are usually respectable and curable). Metastatic liver cancer is 20 times more common than primary liver cancer and after cirrhosis this is the leading form of liver related death.

Symptoms of liver cancer

Liver cancer is very common larges countries in world wide. Generally is discovered at a very advanced stage of cancer disease for several reasons. In addition, patients from these regions actually have more aggressive liver cancer disease. live cancer tumor usually reaches an advanced stage and causes symptoms more rapidly. Abdominal pain is the most common symptom of liver cancer and usually signifies a very large tumor or widespread involvement of the liver and other symptom is weight loss. These symptoms are less common in individuals with liver cancer in the additionally symptoms is ascites (abdominal fluid and swelling), jaundice (yellow color of the skin), or muscle wasting.

Liver cancer has symptoms that include weight loss and loss of appetite. Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, enlarged liver, change of color (yellowing) of the skin and the whites of the eyes are also noticed. Bile duct obstruction has symptoms like pale stools, dark urine, abdominal pain, jaundice, vomiting, nausea and fever.

Clinical effects of advanced liver cancers include:

A mass in the right upper side.
Tender, nodular liver on palpation
Severe pain in the epigastrium or upper right side

Portal hypertension that is a high blood pressure in the portal veins has no symptoms. But complications due to this disease can result in bloody vomiting and black, loose stools from varices, ascites; and signs of brain disease called encephalopathy.

The most important risk factor for liver cancer is hepatitis B virus (HBV). Patients who are located in areas with high rates of hepatitis also have high rates of HCC; conversely, HCC patients are far more likely to be hepatitis B carriers. Studies also show that men are twice or thrice more likely to develop HCC. On the other hand, women demonstrate greater survival rates than men at any stage of liver cancer.

Depending on what stage the cancer is, primary liver cancer can be treated to either remove or slow down the development of the disease. Common treatment procedures would include surgery, alcohol injection, radiofrequency ablation, chemoembolization, radiation therapy, and liver transplant. With surgery, otherwise called as surgical resection, the area where the cancer cells are found is completely removed. This treatment is recommended for those with cirrhosis of the liver.

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Symptoms Of Kidney Stones
Topic: Health and Wellness 1:01 am EST, Nov 25, 2008

There are some common symptoms of kidney stones that include the presence of blood in the urine, pain and obstruction in urinating, acute pain in the lower abdomen and groin, fever, nausea and vomiting.

Kidney stones are asymptomatic. Many people may have kidney stones but never realize it, as they continue to pass them in urine without any pain. But if the stones become larger or get stuck between the kidneys and the bladder, that could result in severe pain.

If it gets immovable in the ureter, this is able to bring about an infection which can cause enduring kidney harm.

The ureter contracts in response to the stone, producing serious pain in the flank or lower back that frequently radiates to the groin, in men to the testis. Those who with nephrolithiasis commonly cannot get comfortable and will always alter position in an effort to get release from the embarrassment.

Other symptoms include clammy, cold, hot, or sweaty skin accompanying a fever or chills. Fever usually means the stone has caused a blockage, and your kidneys and urination cannot function normally. This kind of infection must be treated with antibiotics, as well as by removing the kidney stones. You might also be tired, nauseated, not hungry, or experience diarrhea or constipation.

If the stone is too large to pass, there will be a continuous pain because the muscles in the ureter are trying to push the stone into the bladder. Once the stone enters the bladder and the body begins to try to excrete it, blood sometimes appears in the urine. Most times, the urine turns a pink color. As the stone moves closer to the bladder, urination becomes more frequent. Sometimes there is a burning sensation while urinating.

The symptoms of kidney stones depend on the size of the stone, previous kidney stones, and other conditions. Any type of kidney stone, big or little, requires some type of medical attention. Just because you are experiencing pains in the abdomen and have a fever doesn't mean that you are passing a kidney stone. Many times, these symptoms are symptoms of another medical problem. Visit your doctor for the answers you need.

Signs of kidney stone irritation and blockage include sharp pain or cramping in the area of the kidney, back or side, nausea or vomiting, burning or blood with urination, or the need to urinate frequently. Diagnosis is usually made with ultrasound or X-ray technology, and important information about the stone's size, shape, location and composition is obtained. Signs of respiratory distress and heart failure may be evident. Eventually, he develops uremia and renal failure.

Fortunately there is no longer need of surgical intervention for the treatment of kidney stones. As little as twenty years ago, open surgery was required, today, medical practitioners use shock wave therapy, but this is still not a pleasant process to undergo.

It is a far better solution to look to lifestyle changes and natural treatments than to have to undergo painful medical procedures. There are a number of natural remedies for this illness and they have worked with great success in both prevention and treatment. The world today is changing more towards natural therapies rather than dangerous drug and surgical intervention to relieve symptoms of cloudy urine and kidney stones.

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