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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

ICE - In Case of Emergency
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:57 pm EDT, Aug  9, 2005

There is no simpler way of letting the emergency services know who to contact should you be involved in an accident than by using ICE.

That's a really good idea.

ICE - In Case of Emergency

IRA Says It Will Abandon Violence
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:35 am EDT, Jul 29, 2005

LONDON, July 28 -- The Irish Republican Army formally declared an end Thursday to its three-decade-long armed struggle against British rule in Northern Ireland and pledged to pursue its aims of a united Ireland through "exclusively peaceful means."

The recent London bombings have removed the cachet from being a European terrorist. When European and American Islamic leaders are issuing fatwah's stating that blowing up innocent civilians is un-Islamic, what is the IRA going to do?

IRA Says It Will Abandon Violence - Health - Phoenix Reclaims Title As Sweatiest City
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:50 pm EDT, Jun 17, 2005

This is very odd.

The rankings are based on the average U.S. male/female height/weight and the average high temperature for 2004 in each of the cities during June, July and August. The sweat level was analyzed based on the assumption that an individual was walking for one hour. - Health - Phoenix Reclaims Title As Sweatiest City

Where To Find Great Free Photographs And Visuals For Your Own Online Articles - Robin Good's Latest News
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:22 pm EDT, Jun 15, 2005

Finding quality images and photos for complementing an important article, essay or news report is already quite a challenge for many. Imagine when the goal is not just too find good images, but find some that you could openly and freely use without needing to pay royalties or one-time publishing rights to someone.

I've recently gotten into the concept of stock photography, especially for story telling purposes. This is a good article that hits a number of the sites I've started using for free or cheap stock work.

Where To Find Great Free Photographs And Visuals For Your Own Online Articles - Robin Good's Latest News

oh baby, copy it deep!
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:28 pm EDT, Apr 16, 2005

Copy Constructors you are the thorn in my side. I spent nearly half an hour tracking done something that should have been apparent right way:

If you have an object, which contains pointers to dynamic memory, adding to a vector (or any STL container) does a shallow copy! I needed a deep copy. I had some temp objects I was creating only to add them to an array, and then destory them. When they were destroyed, they would free the memory the object in the vector still referenced.

Segmentation Fault

... sigh... at least its all billable hours.

oh baby, copy it deep!

Scientific conference falls for gibberish prank. 15/04/2005. ABC News Online
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:24 pm EDT, Apr 16, 2005

] Jeremy Stribling said that he and two fellow MIT graduate
] students questioned the standards of some academic
] conferences, so they wrote a computer program to generate
] research papers complete with nonsensical text, charts
] and diagrams.

Scientific conference falls for gibberish prank. 15/04/2005. ABC News Online

Robot translators decipher mountains of enemy messages
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:01 pm EDT, Apr  4, 2005

] The time for robot translators has arrived, according to
] a panel of language specialists at a meeting of the
] American Association for the Advancement of Science in
] Washington last month.

An interesting status point in the state of Machine Translation.

Robot translators decipher mountains of enemy messages

ABC News: Computers Obeying Brain Signals
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:57 pm EDT, Apr  4, 2005

] ALBANY, N.Y. Apr 3, 2005 %u2014 Researchers and
] volunteers around the world are taking early steps toward
] a complex but straightforward technological goal: to use
] electrical signals from the brain as instructions to
] computers and other machines, allowing paralyzed people
] to communicate, move around and control their environment
] literally without moving a muscle.

The reporter describes participating in a demonstration of this technology.

ABC News: Computers Obeying Brain Signals

NNDB: Tracking the entire world
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:51 pm EDT, Apr  4, 2005

] NNDB is an intelligence aggregator that tracks the
] activities of people we have determined to be noteworthy,
] both living and dead. Superficially, it seems much like a
] "Who's Who" where a noted person's curriculum vitae is
] available (the usual information such as date of birth, a
] biography, and other essential facts.)
] But it mostly exists to document the connections between
] people, many of which are not always obvious. A person's
] otherwise inexplicable behavior is often understood by
] examining the crowd that person has been hanging out
] with.
] Eventually, we will have synopses and analyses of
] creative works by the people in the database, including
] their books, films, and recordings.

Soylent productions, the folks behind Rotten, have a kind of IMDB for everyone site going on. I am surprised by the quality and breadth of the database. Good times

NNDB: Tracking the entire world

Free Getopt - BSD Licensed getopt.c
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:49 pm EDT, Apr  4, 2005

] A getopt library compatible with GNU-getopt, but
] distributed with a BSD license, and also supports
] DOS-style commandline parsing.

It's handy to get pointers to libraries like this.

Free Getopt - BSD Licensed getopt.c

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