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'Cobbled Up'


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'Cobbled Up'
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:54 am EDT, May  6, 2007

It's true. Well, stories have to come from someplace, yes? Anyway, this blind man did pay a visit and even spent the night. But there all similarities end. The rest of the story was cobbled up from this and that, naturally."

I think of past nighttime souvenirs (memories): underground swing dancing; cooking cobbled-up meals like quesadillas; breaking into Sacré-Coeur's step-lawn ...

In the old days, parents cobbled up homemade costumes for their Little ones.

Clauser's offering was a bulbous-bowed design that is the least radical of a whole series of wonderful ideas he has cobbled up on his computer.

It looks like a stretch model of the space shuttle cobbled up out of junkyard parts.

On Thursday night, a New Jersey man named David L. Smith was arrested and charged with spreading the virus. New Jersey authorities said he was definitely not "VicodinES,'' but added that investigators think he cobbled up Melissa from a witches' brew of different viruses, one of which came from VicodinES. Hence, apparently, the telltale GUIDs said everything about the original document and less about its later permutations. New Jersey authorities said "Melissa" was apparently a reference to a topless dancer from Florida.

Bush has said he looked into Russian leader Vladimir Putin's soul and found a friend in the man he nicknamed "Pootie-poot." Apparently, if this conference is any guide, Bush found in Putin a model for authoritarianism. But even the old KGB chief couldn't have cobbled up such an absolutely meaningless discussion of the serious economic problems this country faces.

"I'm concerned about how they've cobbled up history."

Certainly it is the case that elsewhere in the world, as well as elsewhere in time, mankind has been content to fashion written languages in the form of pictographs, hieroglyphs and the like; the age-old use in Western Europe of words cobbled up out of alphabets -- words that are mere tokens, valueless unless they happen to retain some onomatopoeic force -- has caused us to forget the primordial kinship between what is written and what is drawn.

Sources said the meeting would be held before the end of this month to discuss two proposals cobbled up by the directors and shareholders of the troubled financial institution before they are forwarded to the central bank for approval.

"My dream job has always been to work on 60 Minutes with that incredibly impressive company, but I couldn't do it and still have time for my family. So you have to compromise. But this is a happy compromise." The "this" she was talking about, the "happy compromise," was a prime-time news magazine show NBC had cobbled up--perhaps to keep both network stars bringing in the bucks, but also professionally content--called Now With Tom Brokaw and Katie Couric.

In true EU style, efforts to recycle the best bits are already under way ... Andrew Duff, an energetic British member, says the 1951 treaty had "a greater level of literary value than anything else we have cobbled up since". Back then, "there wasn't the element of compromise that we were obliged to achieve later".

The armed services now want “to spread the burden” of deployments, so as not to over-stress the active-duty force or the reserve components. It’ll take a couple of years to establish more deployment predictability, Hall acknowledged, adding that Guard and reserve forces will now be trained and deployed as complete units, rather than being mobilized in “cobbled-up” fashion. “What we have heard is, unit cohesion is vitally important, particularly to ground-maneuver forces. So, we’re going to mobilize as units,” Hall said, adding that he’d like employers to provide their input about the changes.

Presidential candidate Atta-Mills had thought he would create something of a bang with a press conference he and his cronies had cobbled up to castigate President Kufuor for the drying up of the Volta Lake; in the end it was their coup dreams that hogged the headlines and sent them scurrying about to find words to defend - or explain - or gloss over the blunder or rather aspiration of their "founder"!

He cobbled up the first version of the actual compiler for the SCUMM engine, which I then went on and extended.

What Chuck said probably would work, but at sea, I'd opt for something less cobbled up, high school science fair-ish ...

Nor are they re-examining the exemptions that have cobbled up the tax code over the years. Nor will they cut commercial property taxes much.

... cobbled up merely as a kind of Old-Testament-style trial ... [in a thread about global warming, in comp.os.vms ! ]

That is one gen-u-wine piece o'shit A true nostalgic hot rod is one thing but a cobbled up body and primer does not make a true 50's era car.

It's a cobbled-up AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1700+ with 768MB RAM.

Mine is a thing I had cobbled up, it holds together with tape and is always losing parts.

I had not done so for many years, and had the common impression about it that it was a cobbled-up affair by several hands, including a vision in prison ...

Over the years I've "cobbled up" some inexpensive things which made my job easier.

Sir Alistair also called the appointment of Sir John Bourn as an adviser on ministerial conflict of interest, a "cobbled up affair".

How old chums cobbled up the MS Corel deal ...

NASA and Glenn didn't help matters when they cobbled up a wink-and-nod story about necessary research on the effects of weightlessness on the aging process.

We have heard a lot about selections and their application in the past, and particularly about cobbled-up estimates of genetic parameters and cobbled-up genetic index from Dr.Hazel in use in a poultry breeding program, and so I think we will all be interested this morning in hearing what Dr. Harris has to say about what we can do and how bad off we are when we use these cobbled-up estimates of genetic parameters.

WoodenBoat has had several articles on steam bending, including a fascinating one a few years ago with pictures of various devices cobbled up by various people. Go to the WB Index page and try a search for 'steam box'; lots of entries. I think my favorite was an old gas can on a charcoal grill, or something like that.

Finally Gen Pervez Musharraf after 14 months of haggling has got parliamentary approval to be Pakistan’s President till the end of 2007. This approval by the National Assembly and the four state legislatures cobbled up with the help of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal, and his own ruling group, will remain a point of fierce clash in Pakistan’s chequered political history.

I remember about 5 years ago working at a startup in Van and there was a kid who knew nothing about web stuff who cobbled up domains because he read in Time magazine that the web might be big ...

However I have cobbled up a solution using find and replace, then a sort, and then another find and replace.

They have cobbled up my account on several occasions, turning things on when I have asked they be turned off, and disabling my phone in its entirety ...

It's as though the industrialized countries, having no other way to tax and borrow money into existence have cobbled up this GWOT (global war on terror) to keep the money velocity high enough to mask deflation and keep all of us overworked so we won't think about what the leadership is up to.

The whole thing seems a messy and cobbled-up system for producing two sexes. Why in Heaven's name would a Designer worth His salt come up with so inefficient a system, with useless (and sometimes dangerous) parts left over?

They cobbled up pale copies ... and brandished them in their television ads.

The Clintons cagily are asking Americans to submit names, and The WASHINGTON Post quickly cobbled up a ''name that dog'' feature.

Stay away from the U-Haul type places in my opinion. I've seen some pretty cobbled up wiring come from them!

For the sliding glass door, she cobbled up some no-nonsense drapes from remnants ...

The three judges say that the governor had no relevant material for his stated apprehension that the elected representatives were being allured with money, horse-trading and the like to cobble up a majority and as such his report was made mala fide.

"Count your lucky stars, little girl," she'd say, fists pounding a batch of overflowing dough back down into the bread bowl. "You've got the best kind of dad there is, one who leaves you well enough alone." Like ours, the Rowan house wasn't whole either -- it was attached at the side to the cobbled-up theater -- but it had a swing set and a fenced yard. The closest thing we had to a yard was a gravel parking lot.

There will be an arms-control agreement cobbled up In Geneva, for the simple reason that everybody, save Reagan's cheerleaders and hired help, wants one.

Today, we think we laugh at euphemisms. In our parents' day, we had to say, "he passed away". Now we can say, "he died". Then, we said that someone was "in their birthday suit". Today, we say they're "naked". However, we have our own euphemisms, and they are just as twee, even though they're cobbled up in psychobabble.

"What did the world's finest economic brains do to set off such turbulence? They simply cobbled up the opinion that 'exchange rates should reflect economic fundamentals'."

The bell on the table was cobbled up from a broken blue wine glass and half a dozen bits of nothing, but it sang out clear and true.

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