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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Top Ten Ways the US Enabled Saddam Hussein
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:58 pm EST, Jan  1, 2007

The tendency to treat Saddam and Iraq in a historical vacuum, and in isolation from the superpowers, however, has hidden from Americans their own culpability in the horror show that has been Iraq for the past few decades. Initially, the US used the Baath Party as a nationalist foil to the Communists. Then Washington used it against Iran. The welfare of Iraqis themselves appears to have been on no one's mind, either in Washington or in Baghdad.

Interesting read. Least we forget.

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Top Ten Ways the US Enabled Saddam Hussein

Stars & Stripes
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:17 pm EST, Mar 30, 2006

The poll also shows that 42 percent of the troops surveyed are unsure of their mission in Iraq, and that 85 percent believe a major reason they were sent into war was “to retaliate for Saddam’s role in the Sept. 11 attacks.”

Amazing. The president goes on national television and admits that there are no conections between Sept. 11th and Saddam, and yet the troops are still hearing that from somewhere if 85% of them still believe it was a major reason.

Stars & Stripes - Rice: Iran 'terror's central bank' - Mar 15, 2006
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:00 pm EST, Mar 16, 2006

Rice called Iran a "troublesome state" and the "central banker of terrorism," though she didn't elaborate on that.

I know Iran is not innocent, but is it really a good idea to continue the name calling and blaming terrorism on them? I can't say I understand this approach. - Rice: Iran 'terror's central bank' - Mar 15, 2006

White House Knew of Levee's Failure on Night of Storm - New York Times
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:55 am EST, Feb 10, 2006

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Bush administration officials said they had been caught by surprise when they were told on Tuesday, Aug. 30, that a levee had broken, allowing floodwaters to engulf New Orleans.

But Congressional investigators have now learned that an eyewitness account of the flooding from a federal emergency official reached the Homeland Security Department's headquarters starting at 9:27 p.m. the day before, and the White House itself at midnight.

The article speaks for itself. I have nothing to add.

White House Knew of Levee's Failure on Night of Storm - New York Times - Did the Chinese discover America? - Jan. 13, 2003
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:18 am EST, Jan 14, 2003

] "In his new book, "1421: The Year China Discovered
] America" (William Morrow), Gavin Menzies claims that a
] massive Chinese fleet of huge junks and support ships
] made a two-year circumnavigation of the globe, with
] extensive exploration of the Americas, nearly a century
] before Magellan and Columbus. " - Did the Chinese discover America? - Jan. 13, 2003

Sex with a Twist ... Lemons Provide Protection?
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:52 pm EDT, Oct 10, 2002

"Australian scientists believe they have rediscovered an effective use for lemon juice -- as a contraceptive and also a killer of the AIDS virus.
He said lime juice, which has similar acid levels, can also be used, with both fruits often freely available in poor countries where contraception is hard to come by. "

Sex with a Twist ... Lemons Provide Protection?

Judge frees medical-pot patient, returns stash
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:50 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2002

"Federal prosecutors might not respect the state law that allows people to grow marijuana for medical use, but a judge in Santa Cruz County does."

The battle between states rights and the federal war on drugs continues. State wins a round.

Judge frees medical-pot patient, returns stash

Scrap Worker Accidentally Fires Howitzer
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:46 pm EDT, Sep 14, 2002

" A Ukrainian scrap metal worker destroyed two roofs and singed his face when he cut into a 1940s howitzer and accidentally fired off a shell no one had noticed was lodged inside, local media reported Thursday. "

Scrap Worker Accidentally Fires Howitzer

Inventor: Kimberly-Clark Stole Idea
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:09 am EDT, Sep  9, 2002

"A Boston inventor has accused tissue giant Kimberly-Clark Corp. of swiping his brainchild - moistened toilet paper on a roll - and trying to clean up a potentially huge market.

John J. Marino says he's not taking the challenge sitting down. Instead, he's talking to his lawyers about a possible trademark-infringement case.

Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Kleenex, Huggies, Kotex and other paper and consumer goods, said Friday its product and Marino's are clearly different. "

Inventor: Kimberly-Clark Stole Idea

Father kills virgin over sex claims (September 08, 2002)
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:05 pm EDT, Sep  8, 2002

"A Jordanian father who suspected his daughter of having sex before marriage promised police he wouldn't harm her - then shot her dead.

An autopsy later revealed the 17-year-old girl was still a virgin.


The latest killings follow a Jordanian cabinet ruling last December to exempt those accused of "honour" killings from heavy sentences such as death. "

Father kills virgin over sex claims (September 08, 2002)

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