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"Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well."

The Recruit isn't what it seems
Topic: Movies 10:18 am EST, Jan 31, 2003

] But the last 30 minutes (the film is 105 minutes long) in
] particular are a letdown as the film gets bogged down in
] action scenes that look routine and less gripping than
] the preceding drama.
] The movie also gets boldly illogical and seems to fly in
] many directions in the second half. There are awkward
] moments of flag waving, which seem overtly calculated,
] making one wonder what Donaldson, an Australian, is
] trying to do with this film, and if those sentiments
] would have been in the movie if it had been made and
] released before 9/11.
] Donaldson clearly does not want to make a James Bond
] movie, but in the last 30 minutes, the film is in danger
] of becoming just that. In fact, it is a less thrilling
] and entertaining production than the terrific Bond films.

The Recruit isn't what it seems

Euro leaders thumbs-up, Mandela not
Topic: Current Events 10:06 am EST, Jan 30, 2003

] Former South African President Nelson Mandela slammed
] President Bush and his stance on Iraq, saying, "If there
] is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in
] the world, it is the United States of America." Speaking
] at the International Women's Forum, Mandela said, "One
] power with a president who has no foresight -- who cannot
] think properly -- is now wanting to plunge the world into
] a holocaust."

Euro leaders thumbs-up, Mandela not

Personal call from The Woz shocks Mac user
Topic: Technology 5:15 pm EST, Jan 29, 2003

] The owner of a Segway HT enthusiast site got a shock when
] he was phoned by Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak -- a well
] known supporter of the pricey transporter.
] "We chatted for a bit about our Segway HT use, some
] ideas, the recent San Francisco happenings as well as
] some experiences we've both had using the HT," said
] Torrone, who recently published pictures of using vintage
] iMac power cords to charge the Segway.

Personal call from The Woz shocks Mac user

Drawn chess game lifts Kasparov
Topic: Games 12:52 pm EST, Jan 29, 2003

] Gary Kasparov achieved a psychologically important draw
] against his computer opponent Deep Junior in the second
] game of their six-round match on Tuesday.
] Playing black, the former world champion forced Deep
] Junior into a draw by sacrificing a strong piece for
] better tactical position. But observers said Deep
] Junior's performance improved, compared to the first game
] in which Kasparov won easily.

Drawn chess game lifts Kasparov

Iraq to chair U.N. disarmament conference
Topic: Current Events 9:44 am EST, Jan 29, 2003

] Iraq will chair the United Nations' most important
] disarmament negotiating forum during the panel's May
] session.
] At the rules-minded United Nations, it's not a country's
] status with international weapons inspectors, but the
] letters in its name that determine which member state
] chairs the Conference on Disarmament.
] "The irony is overwhelming," a U.S. diplomat said.

Iraq to chair U.N. disarmament conference

Meteorologist 1.2.2 for OSX
Topic: Technology 11:17 am EST, Jan 28, 2003

] Meteorologist is the only full featured free weather
] program for Mac OS X (that I've seen). It was inspired by
] a couple week problem with another weather program, and I
] had the crazy idea that I would right a simple program to
] take its place. Several months later, Meteorologist has
] matured into a very strong program, representing not only
] my efforts, but also the helpful and insightful comments
] of those who use this program. Meteorologist now supports
] multiple cities, multiple servers, new version and server
] error checking, and many more features.

Meteorologist 1.2.2 for OSX

Porn Profits: Corporate America's Secret
Topic: Business 9:13 am EST, Jan 28, 2003

] Companies like General Motors, AOL Time Warner and
] Marriott earn revenue by piping adult movies into
] Americans' homes and hotel rooms, but you won't see
] anything about it in their company reports.
] And you won't hear them talking about the production
] companies that actually make the films or the
] performers the producers hire, men and women as young as
] 18, for sex that is often unprotected.

Porn Profits: Corporate America's Secret

Switch to Linux
Topic: Movies 4:51 pm EST, Jan 27, 2003

Another great 'Switch' Ad..

Switch to Linux

TIME Magazine: The CIA's Secret Army
Topic: United States 11:14 am EST, Jan 27, 2003

] The outlines of this new mission are not new, but TIME has
] uncovered enough fresh details to construct the fullest picture
] yet of the CIA's secret army. It spoke to past and current
] intelligence officials, including an active member of the SOG,
] as well as to detractors within the Pentagon.

What is going on in the spook biz? Good read!

TIME Magazine: The CIA's Secret Army

U.S. spy plane crashes in S. Korea
Topic: Current Events 10:49 am EST, Jan 27, 2003

] An American U-2 spy plane crashed Sunday in South Korea,
] injuring three people on the ground. The Air Force pilot
] ejected safely.

Must have been hit with the SQL worm. ;)

U.S. spy plane crashes in S. Korea

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