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RE: Review: 'Trek: Nemesis' its own worst enemy


RE: Review: 'Trek: Nemesis' its own worst enemy
by Dolemite at 12:59 am EST, Dec 15, 2002

w1ld wrote:
] ] "The 10th entry in the "Star Trek" movie franchise, and
] ] the third in which Picard has flown solo, is the dullest
] ] and drabbest of the lot. Simply plotted and feebly
] ] directed, it lacks the vigorous action that elevated
] ] Capt. Kirk's adventures into pulp art or the thorny
] ] ethical dilemmas that gave the "Next Generation" TV
] ] series its resonances. "
] Maybe Ill just wait for the DVD rental if its that bad.

I went to see this on Friday night and have to say that the reviewers have forgotten the point of going to the movies - to have fun. In my opinion, Nemesis is the best of the Next Generation films. Many would argue that First Contact is the best, but for me there's just too far over the top in the campy factor.

Nemesis has several key things going for it:

1. A new villain. That's right, nothing recycled from holodecks or Barf's^H^H^H^H^H^H Worf's past or anything else used as the centerpiece for dozens of episodes.
2. They finally figured out how to show a space battle. It's hard to believe that out of the prior 9 movies, only Wrath of Khan had a decent outer space battle.
3. The Kirk v. Picard debate is closed because of the following:
- An exact DNA clone of Picard turns down pussy. Kirk tagged everything that wasn't verifiably male. (The shape shifter in Undiscovered Country was androgenous)
- When in a pinch, which attack pattern does the Enterprise use? Attack Pattern Kirk-3. Not Picard-3, but Kirk-3.
- We know that Kirk was an admiral, hell, even Janeway is an admiral in the movie. Picard never made it, even in the episode where Q showed him the end of his life. (Yeah, yeah, that could have been a false future and all that crap, but who cares.)
- Go back to "Generations". Who did Picard call on when he needed help? Kirk. All bow before the man who showed more male nipples than Baywatch.
4. No inside jokes. That's right, someone who hasn't seen the past 9 movies, or at least the past 3, could watch this and follow it. That's important.
5. Lots of explosions that don't make sense. If I wanted good acting and a thought invoking plot, I sure as hell wouldn't be watching Star Trek. I like explosions. I like aliens. Bring 'em on.

So, all in all I'd say that Nemesis is worth watching, even at full fare.


RE: Review: 'Trek: Nemesis' its own worst enemy

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