Haven't gone through the procedure to get it on CPAN, but I wrote my first CPAN module: Net::Amazon::SimpleDB::Simple.
Give it a perl data structure like a SimpleDB store, it will put it on SimpleDB. Ask it for SimpleDB, it will give you the corresponding perl data structure.
Prior to this, using SimpleDB from Perl was too hard. Now it should be easy. Go me.
Net::Amazon::SimpleDB::Simple - A simple wrapper to Amazon's Perl libary, inspired
by and adapted from Eric Hammond's simpledb CLI: http://code.google.com/p/amazon-simpledb-cli/
Requires the official Amazon::SimpleDB library from AMAZON, not CPAN.
It is not currently available on CPAN (working on it) and can be found here:
use Net::Amazon::SimpleDB::Simple;
my $attributes = {name => 'Jim', hobby => ['jogging', 'climbing'], job => 'cop'};
my $sdb = Net::Amazon::SimpleDB::Simple->new(
domain => 'MyDomainName'
$sdb->put_attributes('555ABC', $attributes);
my $output = $sdb->get_attributes('555ABC');
my $select_output = $sdb->select('SELECT * from MyDomain');
$sdb->delete_attributes('555ABC', $attributes);