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Current Topic: Technology

What's the state of Perl web frameworks? - Perl Buzz
Topic: Technology 11:38 pm EDT, Oct  5, 2008

Joshua Hoblitt: Here's something to put on Perlbuzz.

JH: WTF MVC framework is working this week?

Andy Lester: Sounds like an editorial in the making?

JH: Maypole is dead, Catalyst is um, well, I've never managed to finish a project with it.

JH: The documentation is SHIIITTT.

JH: And the book is one of the most crapped-on books I've ever seen on Amazon.

JH: So Catalyst is a no go for me.

JH: So what's left? Roll your own with Mason?

AL: CGI::Application?

JH: Ya, I've used it for small stuff.

JH: The kind of stuff you put in one monster .pm file so it's trivial to install.

JH: Hmm, there's MasonX::MiniMVC.

JH: And this egg thing.

AL: Can I post this chat as an article?

JH: Please do.

A really dumb chat transcript that set the Perl/Catalyst community on fire, with good comments.

What's the state of Perl web frameworks? - Perl Buzz

Browser Display Statistics
Topic: Technology 11:13 pm EDT, Oct  5, 2008

Display Resolution

The current trend is that more and more computers are using a screen size of 1024x768 pixels or more:

Browser Display Statistics

Local instance of Amazon's SimpleDB :: kusiri :: enterprise 2.0 :: blog
Topic: Technology 8:03 pm EDT, Sep 17, 2008

Matt has created a local instance of Amazon's SimpleDB. It allows you to develop for SimpleDB if you don't have a SimpleDB account and helps you reduce the costs of SimpleDB development if you do have a SimpleDB account. Originally enough he has called it "SimpleDB/dev". It is an open source project and it is available on Google Code today.

Local instance of Amazon's SimpleDB :: kusiri :: enterprise 2.0 :: blog

Stack Overflow
Topic: Technology 5:21 pm EDT, Sep 16, 2008

Stack Overflow is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for programmers — regardless of platform or language. Jump in and share your software engineering expertise! No registration or account required.

Always wanted something like this. Quite good.

Stack Overflow

Bluff: Beautiful graphs in JavaScript
Topic: Technology 5:17 pm EDT, Sep 16, 2008

Bluff is a JavaScript port of the Gruff graphing library for Ruby. It is designed to support all the features of Gruff with minimal dependencies; the only third-party scripts you need to run it are a copy of JS.Class (about 2kb gzipped) and a copy of Google’s ExCanvas to support canvas in Internet Explorer. Both these scripts are supplied with the Bluff download. Bluff itself is around 8kb gzipped.

To draw a graph, you create a new Bluff graph object using the id of a canvas element on the page, set some options, add the data and labels, then tell the graph to draw. A basic example:

Bluff: Beautiful graphs in JavaScript

Startup Gossip - Your Source for Local Startup Gossip
Topic: Technology 8:40 pm EDT, Sep 12, 2008

About Startup Gossip

The goal of Startup Gossip is to collect all news, information, and gossip relating to the startups in a city. Right now we just cover Atlanta, but eventually we aim to cover all major cities worldwide where interesting and important startup activity is occuring.

Sanjay (SUN-jay) Parekh, a successful Atlanta entrepreneur started this site, which is kind of an Alpha just yet, but has mucho promise.

Startup Gossip - Your Source for Local Startup Gossip

Anti Spore
Topic: Technology 1:23 am EDT, Sep 12, 2008

Anti Spore
Resisting EA’s War on Creationism

I think part of the problem that is going on here is that the bulk of you are ignorant as to the word of God. I don’t have these beliefs just because I want to, I have them because they are the beliefs that I was raised in. I understand that everyone didn’t have the chance to be taught these things, and learn about God as my family did so if I am going to have this kind of attention I should use it to help teach others about the words of God that helped to shape me into the woman I am today.

Everyone I am sure knows the passage that in the beginning God created heaven and earth. But there is more then just this one that people remember.

Lest we forget that we are a nation of spiritual primitives, here is a site against the evolution themed video game 'Spore.'

Anti Spore

Getting Real: What is Getting Real? (by 37signals)
Topic: Technology 3:39 am EDT, Sep 10, 2008

Want to build a successful web app? Then it's time to Get Real. Getting Real is a smaller, faster, better way to build software.

* Getting Real is about skipping all the stuff that represents real (charts, graphs, boxes, arrows, schematics, wireframes, etc.) and actually building the real thing.

Getting Real: What is Getting Real? (by 37signals)

YouTube - Top Gear: Cadillac CTS
Topic: Technology 3:04 am EDT, Sep 10, 2008

The most annoying, offensive and... entertaining car review I've ever seen.

YouTube - Top Gear: Cadillac CTS

feedscrub :: keep your feeds squeaky clean!
Topic: Technology 1:23 am EDT, Sep 10, 2008

Keep your feeds squeaky clean!

* Feedscrub acts as a spam filter for your RSS feeds
* Teach it what you like and don't like
* Protect yourself from information overload!

Atlanta startup backed by recommendation system.

feedscrub :: keep your feeds squeaky clean!

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