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The war against Iraq and America's drive for world domination
Topic: War on Terrorism 1:44 am EST, Dec 18, 2002

This is a great starting point for a conversation about geo-politics. I'm not about to rush off and join the socialist party, and he certainly doesn't examine his own assumptions, BUT there are many interesting assertions about American power, intentions, and attitudes worth being aware of.

The future scenario he paints shouldn't come as a complete surprise to anybody should it sadly come to pass.

The war against Iraq and America's drive for world domination

Telecommunications layoffs mount worldwide
Topic: Telecom Industry 1:03 am EST, Dec 18, 2002

"underscore the anarchy and lack of planning within the
capitalist system..."

Yeah, yeah. Minus the socialist yammering in this article, it has some great numbers on job cuts and investment which will help you explain to your mom why she's getting such a crappy christmas gift this year.

What the socialists don't really explore though is WHY millions of really smart people make enormously bad investing decisions create horrible supply imbalance over and over again. To them it's just the inherent problem of market economies, but there's got to be a way around this besides cumbersome planned economies. Ideas??

Telecommunications layoffs mount worldwide

White House defends CIA killing of US citizen in Yemen
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:52 am EST, Dec 18, 2002

"I can assure you that no constitutional questions are raised here" says Condoleeza Rice.

Yeah, if you're reading Idi Amin's constitution, but not the US Constitution!

White House defends CIA killing of US citizen in Yemen

American Civil Liberties Union : Total Information Awareness: Watch the ACLU's New Flash Movie
Topic: Civil Liberties 12:37 am EST, Dec 18, 2002

Wow a movie. Dissenting was never so easy and fun! (except maybe in the sixties when you got to have group sex after the protest.)

Watch it damnit.

American Civil Liberties Union : Total Information Awareness: Watch the ACLU's New Flash Movie

12.17.02 - ACLU Press Release - Oakland City Council Expected to Pass Resolution Opposing the USA Patriot Act and Executive Actions
Topic: Civil Liberties 12:07 am EST, Dec 18, 2002

Little vs Big Brother:

Oakland sets to pass civil liberties resolution countering unconstitutional provisions of Patriot Act.

If an 84 year old librarian can fight the power so can you.

12.17.02 - ACLU Press Release - Oakland City Council Expected to Pass Resolution Opposing the USA Patriot Act and Executive Actions

12.12.02 - ACLU Press Release - ACLU Seeks Government Accountability Regarding Federal
Topic: Civil Liberties 11:59 pm EST, Dec 17, 2002

Unexplainable secret lists: The further undermining of checks and balances, and the fight of the ACLU to shine some small sunshine into the dark fascist corners of our government.

12.12.02 - ACLU Press Release - ACLU Seeks Government Accountability Regarding Federal

ITU 2002 report
Topic: Economics 4:27 pm EDT, Apr 16, 2002

Kondratieff long wave explaination. "But it was fun while it lasted" conclude our PhD's at the ITU. Page 18 of 23

An interesting datapoint is the 15% reduction in fixedline subscriptions in Finland where they now have 94% mobile penetration. (page 8 of 23). Such a drop in the US would mean an anual loss of $3.5 billion in revenue for the RBOCs. No wonder they make me get a phone with my damn DSL...

ITU 2002 report

TISPA rant against Broadband Deployment Act
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:39 pm EDT, Apr 16, 2002

"The heavily unregulated DSL market has been virtually monopolized and the cost of DSL has gone up in the U.S. from $39 to $49. It costs $29 (US) in Canada for the same service. Right now, Canadians are twice as likely and South Koreans are four times as likely to have broadband access than Americans. That%u2019s pitiful. "

TISPA rant against Broadband Deployment Act

So Sue Me -- New flurry of suits alleging telecom stock inflation
Topic: Economics 3:07 pm EDT, Apr 16, 2002

More law suits of telecoms alleging Enron-esque accounting

So Sue Me -- New flurry of suits alleging telecom stock inflation

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