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Current Topic: Civil Liberties

Reporters sans frontières - Second world press freedom ranking
Topic: Civil Liberties 2:40 am EST, Oct 29, 2003

Of course the French rate themselves higher, but it's still very interesting.

Reporters sans frontières - Second world press freedom ranking

Senate limits Pentagon 'snooping' plan - Tech News -
Topic: Civil Liberties 12:22 am EST, Jan 24, 2003

] The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted unanimously to slap
] restrictions on a controversial Pentagon data-mining
] program that critics say would amount to a domestic
] spying apparatus.

Senate limits Pentagon 'snooping' plan - Tech News -

Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wifes Breasts Before Throwing You in a Cell at the Airport and Then Lying About Why We Put You There?
Topic: Civil Liberties 5:56 pm EST, Dec 31, 2002

We're in deep shit people. Time to get off the couch and get involved...

Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wifes Breasts Before Throwing You in a Cell at the Airport and Then Lying About Why We Put You There?

You Are a Suspect: Homeland Security Act
Topic: Civil Liberties 7:35 pm EST, Dec 30, 2002

Even conservative pundit William Safire goes nuts over Homeland Security in this NY Times editorial.

You Are a Suspect: Homeland Security Act

18 Tales of Media Censorship : Into the Buzzsaw
Topic: Civil Liberties 3:45 pm EST, Dec 29, 2002

This book is a MUST read for anyone who wants to understand the power structure and how it works via the media in America. It's right up there with Manufacturing Consent by Chomsky, but supplies specific anecdotal evidence of real life suppression and how it works.

The journalists involved in these experiences are from the mainstream: CBS, CNN, Associated Press, Reuters, etc, and none were particularly radical before personally encountering the censorship mechanisms of the power elite, which is what makes the book so fascinating.

Give a shit. Care. Get involved. Read this book.


18 Tales of Media Censorship : Into the Buzzsaw

Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up in Calif.
Topic: Civil Liberties 2:10 am EST, Dec 19, 2002

At UC Davis recently the administration sent around an email to the students reminding them that all males over the age of 16 from a list of 20 named countries *must* report to an INS office for "registration" where they are fingerprinted, photographed, and often times arrested on minor immigration violations.

Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up in Calif.

American Civil Liberties Union : Total Information Awareness: Watch the ACLU's New Flash Movie
Topic: Civil Liberties 12:37 am EST, Dec 18, 2002

Wow a movie. Dissenting was never so easy and fun! (except maybe in the sixties when you got to have group sex after the protest.)

Watch it damnit.

American Civil Liberties Union : Total Information Awareness: Watch the ACLU's New Flash Movie

12.17.02 - ACLU Press Release - Oakland City Council Expected to Pass Resolution Opposing the USA Patriot Act and Executive Actions
Topic: Civil Liberties 12:07 am EST, Dec 18, 2002

Little vs Big Brother:

Oakland sets to pass civil liberties resolution countering unconstitutional provisions of Patriot Act.

If an 84 year old librarian can fight the power so can you.

12.17.02 - ACLU Press Release - Oakland City Council Expected to Pass Resolution Opposing the USA Patriot Act and Executive Actions

12.12.02 - ACLU Press Release - ACLU Seeks Government Accountability Regarding Federal
Topic: Civil Liberties 11:59 pm EST, Dec 17, 2002

Unexplainable secret lists: The further undermining of checks and balances, and the fight of the ACLU to shine some small sunshine into the dark fascist corners of our government.

12.12.02 - ACLU Press Release - ACLU Seeks Government Accountability Regarding Federal

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