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What are you gonna do, play with your prick for another 30 years? ... George Carlin

Roboho Main Directory
Topic: Games 11:37 am EDT, May 14, 2004

"Fuck'em suck'em robots"

Roboho Main Directory

Yahoo! News - Woman Hit by Bat in Sausage Race Retiring
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:20 pm EDT, May 10, 2004

MILWAUKEE - Wisconsin's most famous sausage has decided to retire, but she'll always relish the memories. Mandy Block, the woman in the Italian sausage costume hit with a bat by Pittsburgh Pirates (news) first baseman Randall Simon last July, won't be in the Milwaukee Brewers (news)' sausage races this sum

Yahoo! News - Woman Hit by Bat in Sausage Race Retiring

Topic: Society 1:22 pm EDT, May  9, 2004

Now, even without visiting Cambridge, you can experience some of the exciting research, teaching, and public addresses making news at Harvard University.

Each of the 41 programs offered on this site contains edited video and multimedia ranging from 45 minutes to 3 hours in length. We hope you enjoy this way of strengthening your connection to the intellectual center of the University.

Lectures include:
    Unlocking the Promise of Stem Cells
    A New American Empire?
    The College Experience
    Magic of Numbers

    E.O. Wilson, on the relation of science and the humanities


Judge Orders N.Y. Couple Not to Conceive
Topic: Society 4:18 am EDT, May  9, 2004

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) - A couple has been ordered not to conceive any more children until the ones they already have are no longer in foster care

A civil liberties advocate said the court ruling unsealed Friday was ``blatantly unconstitutional.''

Monroe County Family Court Judge Marilyn O'Connor ruled March 31 that both parents ``should not have yet another child which must be cared for at public expense.''

Judge Orders N.Y. Couple Not to Conceive

Peter Pan's Home Page
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:40 pm EDT, May  6, 2004

I think Tron guy's side kick has been located.

Peter Pan's Home Page

Yahoo! News - Cow Suffers Bags and Bags of Indigestion
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:48 pm EDT, May  6, 2004

TIRANA (Reuters) - No one could figure out why Lara the cow stopped giving milk until an Albanian veterinarian pulled plastic from her guts as heavy as the average woman.

Yahoo! News - Cow Suffers Bags and Bags of Indigestion

RE: Wonkette
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:27 pm EDT, May  5, 2004

dmv wrote:
] ] Then Rush Limbaugh put it all in perspective, after a
] ] caller remarked that the "stack [of] naked men" was "like
] ] a college fraternity prank."
] ]
] ] RUSH: Exactly. Exactly my point! This is no
] ] different than what happens at the skull and bones
] ] initiation and we're going to ruin people's lives over it
] ] and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then
] ] we are going to really hammer them because they had a
] ] good time. You know, these people are being fired at
] ] every day. I'm talking about people having a good time,
] ] these people, you ever heard of emotional release? You of
] ] heard of need to blow some steam off?

What's this? The Iraq prisions are alowed frat parties? Well, if they are skull and bones, it seems like fitting treatment for the peers of Bush.

RE: Wonkette

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (2005)
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:44 pm EDT, May  5, 2004

Credited cast:

Anna Chancellor

Warwick Davis
Marvin the Paranoid Android

Mos Def
Ford Prefect

Zooey Deschanel
Tricia McMillan ("Trillian")

Martin Freeman
Arthur Dent

John Malkovich
Humma Kavula

Bill Nighy

Steve Pemberton
Mr. Prosser

Sam Rockwell
Zaphod Beeblebrox

Didn't know they were making a new Hitchikers guide film. Interesting cast.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (2005)

FCC Swamped With Oprah Indecency Complaints - May 4, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:23 pm EDT, May  4, 2004

MAY 4--In the wake of an Oprah Winfrey show that included explicit talk about teen sexuality (and addressed topics such as rainbows and getting one's salad tossed), the Federal Communications Commission received more than 1600 letters complaining about the racy March 18 broadcast and demanding that the talk show host be cited for indecency.

Some of these complaints are hilarious.

FCC Swamped With Oprah Indecency Complaints - May 4, 2004

Grow-your-own to replace false teeth
Topic: Science 8:00 pm EDT, May  3, 2004

] The British institution of dentures sitting in a glass of
] water beside the bed could be rendered obsolete by
] scientists who are confident that people will soon be
] able to replace lost teeth by growing new ones.


All those years of brushing with cake icing seems to have paid off.

Grow-your-own to replace false teeth

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