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To my MS friends


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To my MS friends
Topic: Technology 9:38 am EST, Dec  7, 2007

I received an amazing amount of mail from my friends in Microsoft (none of whom work on IE) regarding my IE post. Surprisingly, much of it was positive, but some were a little astonished. Allow me to clarify a bit.

I don't personally dislike anyone on the IE team.

I do, however, abhor what the team creates. A non-standards compliant browser that hurts web developers and security professionals alike. I firmly believe that Microsoft's actions over the last 10 years illustrates their complete lack of commitment about web browsers or web development. And 1.5 years of non-evil behavior and a tabbed browser doesn't change that.

So when I see posts saying "look at us, we have 300 million downloads and awesome security" I'm shocked. And when faced with a year's torrent of requests for info about bugs, CSS hacks, standards compliance, and future browser plans the community is still faced with stony silence or a pompous "don't worry, we are working on it" post I felt the need to unload though, granted, perhaps with more expletives than necessary. But I don't believe what they say any more. There has been too much "its coming, and it will be so cool" followed by failing to deliver. You don't get to make those statements anymore, certainly not without some blowback.

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