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RE: State of the Union Address


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RE: State of the Union Address
Topic: Current Events 9:42 pm EST, Jan 22, 2004

Elonka wrote:
] - My most intense "He said *what*???" moment: I was horrified
] when Bush talked about marriage and used the term "activist
] judges." ACTIVIST judges? Like someone just came out of a
] 60s street protest, put down their megaphone and placard, and
] took a seat on the bench by accident? I was mightily offended
] by that comment -- he was implying that the judicial branch of
] government has too much power and needs to be reined in. If
] he wants to propose a constitutional amendment, fine. But to
] take a slam at the judicial branch like that, as though they
] were making whimsical decisions, was out of line.

There is a prof at Georgia Tech who has this page a day calendar of Bush quotes. One was in response to the question a reporter posed about the Patriot Act. Bush said "Its the job of the Judical Branch to make the laws and the Executive Branch to interpret them"

Yes, this is the man we have running our country.

RE: State of the Union Address

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