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RE: The Values-Vote Myth


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RE: The Values-Vote Myth
Topic: Current Events 11:20 pm EST, Nov  7, 2004

First off let me say I am pleased we are having such an open and frank debate on this topic, and I am pleased it is so civil.

] The concept of marriage isn't just about Christianity or
] religion or conservative politics -- marriage is pretty much
] as intense a personal decision as a human being can make, and
] if many people want to defend the sanctity of that concept, I
] can't blame them.

Does 2 people of the same sex getting married in some way reduce or detract from sanctity of your marriage?

If gay marriage somehow cheapens the sanctity of your marriage, you didn't have a very good marriage to begin with. If gay marriage doesn't cheapen your marriage, then why the hell are we having this discussion? Yes, it really is that simple.

My parents wrote their own wedding vows. They were Moody Blues' lyrics. Slim to nil in the religous department. Not very sanctified is it? So should we have a law that defines wedding vows, to make sure vows are always holy and pure? What about a ban on Vegas Wedding Chapels, so a hung-over Brittany Spears can't have another 56 hour marriage? Her being a skank doesn't reduce the feeling my parents have for each other, or their marriage, anymore than my parents using Moody Blues' lyrics as wedding vows reduces my grandparents love for each other.

This entire "sanctity of marriage" arguement fails, for all the reasons you listed as marriage being so emotional and personal.

RE: The Values-Vote Myth

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