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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Adblock detection
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:23 pm EDT, May 13, 2009
if (document.images) {
  var currImg;
  var ImgFound = 0;
  var LinkFound = 0;
  //alert("checking images..");
  for (var d=0; d < document.images.length; ++d) {
    currImg = document.images[d];
    if (currImg.src.indexOf("banner") > -1) {
     ImgFound = 1;

  if (!ImgFound || AdBlockTest) {
     if(deny) {	 
       location = "/sorry.html";
     } else {
	document.getElementById('warning').style.visibility = 'visible';


Interestingly simple. All the Adblock detection I've seen in the past checked CSS properties of elements surrounding an ad to see if the ad was rendered or not. This implementation requires a separate <img src> tag but I imagine this could be refactored into a (new Image()).src call and have a pure JavaScript solution.

Adblock detection

Amy Winehouse Back to Black
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:24 pm EDT, May 13, 2009

We only said good-bye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to black

Troubled tracks indeed. This is one of my favorite Amy Winehouse songs.

Amy Winehouse Back to Black

Court Upholds Hacking Conviction of Man for Uploading Porn Pics from Work Computer | Threat Level |
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:11 pm EDT, May 13, 2009


An Ohio appellate court has upheld the felony hacking conviction of a man who was found guilty of unauthorized access for misusing his computer at work.

This case supports the very very bad idea that it is a crime to do something with a computer that you weren't authorized to do with it. This idea would have people go to prison with felony convictions for reading MemeStreams from work. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

This not getting the attention it deserves. This entire legal interpretation is frightening beyond words.

With the Ohio case and the Lori Drew nonsense, legal precedent is being created that says violating a site's Terms of Service is committing a felony.

This is unbelievably scary.

Violating laws is what should be punished. But we have a legal interpretation of a law, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, that says "Doing something a person says you cannot do violates the CFAA." This interpretation has in essence extended law passing power to anyone in the world.

Think about it. Some random dude somewhere in MySpace put in there TOS "You cannot lie in your profile." Lori Drew did lie. Thus Lori Drew violated MySpace's TOS which violates the CFAA and bam! Conviction.

Is Lori Drew a horrible human being? Without a doubt. Do I hope all her and her family's assests get seized in a wrongful death civil suit? Completely. Should she get hit with a felony conviction for violating the CFAA because some dude put a "don't lie" clause in MySpace's TOS? Not at all.

I'm violating a Terms of Service right now. Am I a felon?

Court Upholds Hacking Conviction of Man for Uploading Porn Pics from Work Computer | Threat Level |

Feeling old
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:55 pm EDT, May 12, 2009

Pretty Hate Machine is 20 years old.

... ... [sigh] ...

Kevin Smith Raves About 'Star Trek' Actor Chris Pine - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:29 pm EDT, May 12, 2009

Smith is so enamored of Pine, he's willing to do almost anything to take in another of the actor's performances. "I'd watch that dude do anything," Smith said with a laugh. "I'd watch that dude have sex with my wife at this point. He's such a good actor." null

Wow! Star Trek was good and all.... but not "Ok, its cool, go have sex with Jill now" good.

Kevin Smith Raves About 'Star Trek' Actor Chris Pine - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Floating iceberg lake toy!
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:30 pm EDT, May 11, 2009

Finally, a chance to scare the bejesus out of nighttime boaters everywhere. Stick this gigantic inflatable iceberg out at the end of your dock and listen for midnight fishermen to scream in horror as they find themselves floating brake-lessly towards what they can only imagine to be a Titanic-like fate.

During the daytime the “Iceberg Floating Climbing Wall and Water Slide” is simply the next evolution in lakeshore eyesores, easily usurping those giant trampolines that offer little to no actual bounce. The price is right, too, at a whopping $5399 from Overstock. You’ll send a clear message to all the other cabins on the lake: “My kids are spoiled rotten thanks to my almost endless supply of disposable income.”

Ugly, but fun!

Floating iceberg lake toy!

No, Fuck you, You Don't care.
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:27 pm EDT, May 11, 2009

Lets see, The Alpharetta campus we has an entire 1st floor of a building completely mothballed: Its full of cubes and is already wired for electrical, network, and telephone. BUT, instead you using what we have, we bring in a entire construction crew for 3 weeks to retrofit storage rooms and a server room into *more* workspace with cubes?

You cut my salary 5% and then spend money so wasteful? No. Fuck You. You *Don't* Care.

Google hearts the Konami code
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:32 pm EDT, May  8, 2009

Even as Google grows bigger and bigger, its developers continue to slip little Easter eggs into their applications. It’s never anything huge - just little inside jokes which serve as a reminder that there are living, breathing people behind the otherwise faceless applications.

As Blogoscoped points out, one of these people has infused a bit of gamer lore into Google Reader. Log in, make sure you’re at the “Home” page in reader, and punch in the oft-celebrated Konami code: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A

This is fun, but makes it kind of hard to read your list of feeds...

Google hearts the Konami code

Marc Rotenberg: Privacy vs. Security? Privacy.
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:46 am EDT, May  8, 2009

The attacks of 9-11 challenged our country in new ways. But perhaps the biggest challenge was whether we would safeguard both our country and our Constitutional heritage or whether we would have weak leaders who were unable to protect the country without sacrificing our freedoms.


In other words, we are being asked to become something other than the strong America that could promote innovation and safeguard privacy that could protect the country and its Constitutional traditions. We are being asked to become a weak nation that accepts surveillance without accountability that cannot defend both security and freedom.

That is a position we must reject. If we agree to reduce our expectation of privacy, we will erode our Constitutional democracy.

Excellent essay.

Marc Rotenberg: Privacy vs. Security? Privacy.

Privacy, Scalia, and the best class assignment ever
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:29 am EDT, May  7, 2009

Last year, when law professor Joel Reidenberg wanted to show his Fordham University class how readily private information is available on the Internet, he assigned a group project. It was collecting personal information from the Web about himself.

This year, after U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia made public comments that seemingly may have questioned the need for more protection of private information, Reidenberg assigned the same project. Except this time Scalia was the subject, the prof explains to the ABA Journal in a telephone interview.

His class turned in a 15-page dossier that included not only Scalia's home address, home phone number and home value, but his food and movie preferences, his wife's personal e-mail address and photos of his grandchildren, reports Above the Law.

Privacy, Scalia, and the best class assignment ever

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