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I am a hacker and you are afraid and that makes you more dangerous than I ever could be.

Hatch's Induce Act comes under fire | The Register
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:00 am EDT, Jul  6, 2004

] US Congressman Rick Boucher took up arms against the
] Inducing Infringement of Copyrights Act bill, being
] brought before Congress right now, in a website interview
] at Inside Digital Media this week.

Man I wish I could vote to re-elect this man

Hatch's Induce Act comes under fire | The Register

Putting the 'vision' in Macrovision | The Register
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:48 am EDT, Jul  6, 2004

] This year's horizons for Macrovision, the highly valued
] content protection company, include a system to defeat
] file-sharing, a new, more effective, CD copy protection
] system and a shot at an interoperable Digital Rights
] Management system of its own.

A nice look at the current state-of-the-rt of DRM/copy protection, and where it is going in the future

Putting the 'vision' in Macrovision | The Register

Blocking all types on Ads with Mozilla/Firefox
Topic: Technology 10:29 pm EDT, Jul  5, 2004

noteworthy wrote:
] Advertisements on websites are annoying, often breaking up
] text and flashing to get your attention. To stop about 99% of
] the ads on the internet from even showing, add the following
] code to your userContent.css file:

] I was finally sufficiently annoyed by obtrusive Flash
] advertisements at the Washington Post that I tracked down this
] information on hiding them from view.

If you use Mozilla/Firebird, the adblock plugin ( is awesome. Unlike the standard "Don't show images from this server" you enter in URL's with wildcards, and Adblock can either render white space in place on any match, or remove it from being rendered (and thus not taking up any space).

This blocks ALL offending content, images/Flash/Java, everything


Blocking all types on Ads with Mozilla/Firefox

Somewhere in Texas...
Topic: Current Events 1:56 am EDT, Jul  5, 2004

Classic. Placard from a protest in Ireland

Somewhere in Texas...

RE: Al Jazeera: Out-Foxing Fox
Topic: Society 11:25 pm EDT, Jul  3, 2004

noteworthy wrote:
] The gulf between the American and Arab realities is the
] subject of "Control Room," a powerful documentary by Jehane
] Noujaim, an Egyptian-American. She looks at Al Jazeera's
] coverage of the war, offering a sobering reminder that there
] are multiple ways of perceiving the same events.

They interviewed this gal on Fresh Air a month or 2 back, and the clips from the documentary they played were excellent. Its weird how we view Al Jazeera as a mouth-piece for the Islamic governments of the Middle East, while most of those same government hate Al Jazeera for exposing their corruption and human rights violations.

It will be interesting to see how the growth of an independent voice in the Middle East, coupled with Iran's growing youth culture, will change the region.

RE: Al Jazeera: Out-Foxing Fox

Stripe Snoop 1.1 Released - SourceForged!
Topic: Technology 5:08 am EDT, Jul  3, 2004

Stripe Snoop 1.1 has been released! A 16 bit DOS binary build is now supported (for small homebrew applications). All the fancy SF stuff is working, but I still need to move/update/create the new homepage.

DHS/CERT: Don't use IE
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:38 pm EDT, Jul  2, 2004

] The Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Computer
] Emergency Readiness Team touched off a storm this week
] when it recommended for security reasons using browsers
] other than Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer.


DHS/CERT: Don't use IE

NYPress: SHOVELING COAL FOR SATAN: Christopher Hitchens collects check from Microsoft, calls Moore a coward.
Topic: Current Events 10:13 pm EDT, Jun 30, 2004

] I'm off on this tangent because I'm enraged by the
] numerous attempts at verbose, pseudoliterary, "nuanced"
] criticism of Moore this week by the learned priests of
] our business. (And no, I'm not overlooking this
] newspaper.) Michael Moore may be an ass, and impossible
] to like as a public figure, and a little loose with the
] facts, and greedy, and a shameless panderer. But he
] wouldn't be necessary if even one percent of the rest of
] us had any balls at all.
] If even one reporter had stood up during a pre-Iraq Bush
] press conference last year and shouted, "Bullshit!" it
] might have made a difference.
] If even one network, instead of cheerily re-broadcasting
] Pentagon-generated aerial bomb footage, had risked its
] access to the government by saying to the Bush
] administration, "We're not covering the war unless we can
] shoot anything we want, without restrictions," that might
] have made a difference. It might have made this war look
] like what it is%u2014pointless death and carnage that
] would have scared away every advertiser in the
] country%u2014rather than a big fucking football game that
] you can sell Coke and Pepsi and Scott's Fertilizer to.
] Where are the articles about the cowardice of those
] people? Hitchens in his piece accuses Moore of errors by
] omission: How come he isn't writing about the CNN
] producers who every day show us gung-ho Army desert rats
] instead of legless malcontents in the early stages of a
] lifelong morphine addiction?
] Yeah, well, we don't write about those people, because
] they're just doing their jobs, whatever that means. For
] some reason, we in the media can forgive that. We just
] can't forgive it when someone does our jobs for us. Say
] what you want about Moore, but he picked himself up and
] did something, something approximating the role
] journalism is supposed to play. The rest of us%u2014let's
] face it%u2014are just souped-up shoe salesmen with lit
] degrees. Who should shut their mouths in the presence of
] real people. o

NYPress: SHOVELING COAL FOR SATAN: Christopher Hitchens collects check from Microsoft, calls Moore a coward.

Phreaknic: Ghetto Hotel part II.
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:15 am EDT, Jun 30, 2004

"Do you boys have any idea what part of town you're in?"

Nice to see Phreaknic is returning to the land of hookers and drug dealers.

Remember You *must* deliver the package

A readable Hope Schedule
Topic: Technology 5:31 pm EDT, Jun 29, 2004

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