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Money for me, databases for you.
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:49 am EDT, Aug 13, 2008

Oh, just watch it.

Money for me, databases for you.

Cyan's new blog
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:26 pm EST, Dec  5, 2007

This is the only place I'll be blogging for a while. Enjoy.

My journal is coming down soon.

Cyan's new blog

VentureBeat � Zivity, an adult social network, raises $1M before launch
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:14 am EDT, Aug 17, 2007

I need a Zivity topic :)

Here's a news leak that happened on Venture Beat.

VentureBeat � Zivity, an adult social network, raises $1M before launch

Zivity Is a Hot-or-Not that Pays You
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:32 am EDT, Aug 17, 2007

Well, we've finally made it in the press. After months of being tight-lipped, here we are.

Being the "Hot-or-Not" that pays. So awesome.

Zivity Is a Hot-or-Not that Pays You

Army Concludes Baghdad Diarist Accounts Untrue -
Topic: Current Events 7:28 am EDT, Aug  8, 2007

Army investigators have concluded that the private whose dispatches for the New Republic accused his fellow soldiers of petty cruelties in Iraq was not telling the truth.

Army Concludes Baghdad Diarist Accounts Untrue -

Facebook Off
Topic: Humor 7:22 am EDT, Aug  8, 2007

She liked him better, so I took his identity. It is FACEBOOK OFF.

Facebook Off

Rob Levin of Peer-Directed Projects Center and Freenode Dead.
Topic: Technology 7:13 am EDT, Sep 17, 2006

Levin's death was announced as a "Global Message" on the Freenode IRC network:

[17:16] -christel- [Global Notice] On the 12th September Rob Levin, known to many as Freenode's lilo, was hit by a car while riding his bike. He suffered head injuries and passed away in hospital on the 16th. For more information please visit #freenode-announce

Rob Levin of Peer-Directed Projects Center and Freenode Dead.

Farewell Pluto - We thought the world of you!
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:23 am EDT, Aug 25, 2006

Man, Flagstaff AZ is going to be bummed. 8 planets?!!

Farewell Pluto - We thought the world of you!

Sun CEO McNealy resigns
Topic: Humor 2:34 am EDT, Apr 30, 2006

Check out Sun's new corporate strategy detailed in a pie-chart.

Sun CEO McNealy resigns

RE: Kotie, eScuba's virtual scuba instructor
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:09 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

cyantist wrote:
Kotie is awesome. I was flirting with her for a while :-) Tell her she's sexy.

Please explain this to me.. I asked the bitch^H^H^H^H^Hgirl two questions, which I thought were on topic..

"How do I breathe under water?" AND "What do I need to know about ballast?"

She just looked at me intensely, and refused to answer... Its something I'm used to from women not from the south-eastern United States, where I seem to be the stud on duty. Is this because I'm using Safari instead of IE? Or some deeper reason...

I prefer to engage in some type of dialogue before telling someone I think they are sexy.. This is not helpful.

Do I need to use IE to make girls like me? Tell me o' cyantist..


We love you without IE Rattle ;-)

I skipped the small talk and went straight for the sweet nothings. I wasn't interested in talking about Scuba. Just wanted to know if she was going to come over tonight or what..!


RE: Kotie, eScuba's virtual scuba instructor

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