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RE: Very politically (religously) incorrect cartoon
Topic: Current Events 2:23 pm EST, Feb 20, 2006

skullaria wrote:
"But not Jesus - he's had way too much contact with lepers to let him anywhere NEAR my lovepump...."

After watching the animation:

They're going to get blown up for that.

RE: Very politically (religously) incorrect cartoon

Hunter Shot by Cheney Has Heart Attack - Yahoo! News
Topic: Current Events 3:55 pm EST, Feb 14, 2006

The department found the main factor contributing to the accident was a "hunter's judgment factor." No other secondary factors were found to have played a role.

Hospital officials said they knew that Whittington had some birdshot near his heart ever since Cheney accidentally shot him Saturday evening while aiming for a quail. The pellet always was at risk of moving closer since scar tissue had not had time to harden and remain in place, they said.

Not to make light of this incident, but a second reason for the veeps office to hope this doesn't go any worse is, if Mr. Whittington dies from the injuries, Mr. Cheney is looking at manslaughter. If that happens, that's a very ugly can of worms.

Hunter Shot by Cheney Has Heart Attack - Yahoo! News

Book: Blair Knew of War Plans in Jan. '03 - Yahoo! News
Topic: Current Events 10:49 pm EST, Feb  3, 2006

The president is said to have told Blair the U.S. "was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq. The aircraft would be painted in U.N. colors, so that if Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach of U.N. resolutions, the book said.

As I've said before, "and the hits just keep on comin'!"

Book: Blair Knew of War Plans in Jan. '03 - Yahoo! News

ABC anchor, cameraman treated in Germany
Topic: Current Events 12:26 pm EST, Jan 30, 2006

Their body armor likely saved them, “otherwise these would have been fatal wounds,” Gamble said.

This may seem like an odd question, whose body armor were they wearing? Were they out there is the same gear the army has been issuing or did ABC spring for something better? My own guess is "something better," but I'd like to know.

ABC anchor, cameraman treated in Germany

Hamas, Fatah battle over election results - Yahoo! News
Topic: Current Events 3:54 pm EST, Jan 27, 2006

The United States said it will review funding to the aid-dependent Palestinians if Hamas enters government and Israel suggested it might suspend customs revenue transfers, adding economic uncertainty to the political upheaval.

That's right, we're all for democracy! As long as people we like win anyway...

Hamas, Fatah battle over election results - Yahoo! News

Bush Says U.S. Policy on Hamas Unchanged - Yahoo! News
Topic: Current Events 2:39 pm EST, Jan 26, 2006

"You can't have a peace process if you're not committed to the right of your partner to exist."

Nice line from Condi. I'd love to see her try and explain it in the context of going to war in Iraq.

Bush Says U.S. Policy on Hamas Unchanged - Yahoo! News - Abramoff's dad bashes Clooney's 'ridiculous attack'
Topic: Current Events 2:46 pm EST, Jan 20, 2006

For four generations, our family has worked hard to serve this country we love. I enlisted as a young man of seventeen into the United States Navy, so I could serve my nation in WWII. My brother did the same, and we both served in South Pacific. My son dedicated his life to patriotic and religious causes, which have made this nation great. He gave unsparingly of his time and resources to help those in need.

An open reply to Frank Abramoff:

Mr. Abramoff, I am sorry to say I did not watch the event of which you speak, and I would doubt that the intention of Mr. Clooney was to insult your father, or to insult the service you gave this country. The comment was the sort of sophomoric humor found in high schools across the country, and certainly not in the best of taste.

That being said, your son has pled guilty to working to destroy those very same things that you fought for 65 years ago. He has turned the good name of your father into a curse for all that wrong about politics, and specifically the Republican Party, in America.

Abraham Lincoln said at Gettysburg, "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Your son has worked vigorously to eliminate the "of the people, by the people, for the people" part from that statement, and that statement IS America. It is what separates us from the rest of the world, and makes this a country worthy of the service you gave it.

I am sorry that your family and family name is being dragged down by the actions of your son, but he did it, he admitted doing it, and those actions are against everything that this coutry stands for. Mr. Clooney's insults pale in comparison to the damage done to all of us by Jack's actions. - Abramoff's dad bashes Clooney's 'ridiculous attack'

Feds Seek Google Records in Porn Probe
Topic: Current Events 1:04 pm EST, Jan 19, 2006

The Bush administration, seeking to revive an online pornography law struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, has subpoenaed Google Inc. for details on what its users have been looking for through its popular search engine.

Let's see, the Supreme Court already said this law is dead, but these guys want to go ahead and use it anyway? No. Absolutely not. They talk a good "Rule of Law" game and pay absolutely no attention to it.

At this point I would like to see this administration find out what "Rule of Law" really means, and see them sent somewhere like Marion Federal Penitentiary.

Feds Seek Google Records in Porn Probe

Sharon Serious After Brain Surgery
Topic: Current Events 12:33 pm EST, Jan  5, 2006

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon fought for his life Thursday following seven hours of emergency surgery to stop widespread bleeding in his brain.

Bullshit. I hate how they phrase these things. If you got down the article farther they give the comment from the doctor that he is under "deep sedation" meaning he's out cold, possibly in a drug induced coma to give his body time to maybe heal itself some. Yep Terri Schiavo was "fighting for life" too.

You want to use that phrase, talk about Iraq, either our guys or the ones they're trying to blow up. They're fighting for their lives.

Sharon Serious After Brain Surgery

Survey Shows Unwanted Births Up
Topic: Current Events 7:43 pm EST, Dec 19, 2005

More American women are having babies they didn't want, a survey indicates, but federal researchers say they don't know if that means attitudes about abortion are changing.

This is something that people should look at. There are a couple of very interesting numbers that tell me something is very, very wrong. In 1995 it notes 26% of conceptions ended in abortion, and 9% of births were unwanted. In 2002, 24% of conceptions went via abortion, but 14% of births were unwanted.

The question is, does this show a shift in opinion, or exactly what? To answer that, I'd also want to see the general birth rate numbers and those aren't here. I would also want to see the numbers regionaly, or on a state by state basis, as well as by age groups, because that would also say a great deal.

In and of itself, the article is as useful as tits on a bull, but it points at more data to come which might have some cunclusions with it.

Survey Shows Unwanted Births Up

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