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Ex-husband says Debra LaFave would have gotten jail if not a woman
Topic: Current Events 1:23 pm EST, Dec  9, 2005

The ex-husband says it was the "most intense pain" he's ever experienced.

Well yeah, having it come out in court that the hot wife thinks the 14 year old she's nailing is better than you are in bed kinda stings.

At the same time, he's right, if she'd been a guy nailing his 14 year old firls, he'd be in jail for a very long time. Now to explain one of the differences between guys and girls. At 14, guys will fuck anything they can get near. The apple pie scene in American Pie? Not too far off the mark. EVERYONE knows this, so when some kid gets lucky with the hot blonde teacher? He's getting high fives. At least until some busybody parent gets into the act.

At 14, boys are trolling the internet for porn already. Girls, for the most part, aren't. Double standard? No. Very different standards for very different situations. Put Brad Pitt in front if a high school freshman class, drop trou, and ask the girls if anyone wants to go for a ride, the girls might think about it but they wouldn't do it. If Debra LaFave did the same thing in front of her former class, it wouldn't be a line to get at her, it'd be more like army ants swarming.

Ex-husband says Debra LaFave would have gotten jail if not a woman

House, Senate Reach Deal on Patriot Act - Yahoo! News
Topic: Current Events 1:27 pm EST, Dec  8, 2005

"I will do everything I can, including a filibuster, to stop this Patriot Act conference report, which does not include adequate safeguards to protect our constitutional freedoms," said Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., who was the only senator to vote against the original version of the Patriot Act.

Good for Russ. This piece of crap belongs on the ashheap next to the Alien and Sedition act, Executive Order 9066 which ordered internment, and the entirety of the House Un-American Activities Committee.

House, Senate Reach Deal on Patriot Act - Yahoo! News

Ill. Pharmacists Withhold Emergency Pill - Yahoo! News
Topic: Current Events 11:44 am EST, Dec  1, 2005

Walgreen Co. said it has put four Illinois pharmacists in the St. Louis area on unpaid leave for refusing to fill prescriptions for emergency contraception in violation of a state rule.

The four cited religious or moral objections to filling prescriptions for the morning-after pill and "have said they would like to maintain their right to refuse to dispense, and in Illinois that is not an option," Walgreen spokeswoman Tiffani Bruce said.

Good for Walgreen's and good for Illinois. If you have a "religious or moral" reason for not doing your job, that means you're doing the wrong job.

Ill. Pharmacists Withhold Emergency Pill - Yahoo! News

Topic: Current Events 2:04 pm EST, Nov 22, 2005

PRESIDENT Bush planned to bomb Arab TV station al-Jazeera in friendly Qatar

Read the rest here.

Louisiana can't pay Katrina, Rita bills
Topic: Current Events 12:29 pm EST, Nov  4, 2005

"You can't squeeze $3.7 billion out of this state to pay this bill. Period. That would be difficult for us on a good day," the spokeswoman, Denise Bottcher, told USA TODAY.

Staffers for the governor "about fell over" Wednesday night when they received the Federal Emergency Management Agency's estimate of the state's costs for hurricanes Katrina and Rita, said Mark Merritt, a consultant working for Blanco.

Yep, FEMA supplies aid, they just do it late, poorly and then charge you back while you're trying to re-build. Forget it.

Louisiana can't pay Katrina, Rita bills

FEMA Extends Brown's Contract by 30 Days
Topic: Current Events 9:47 pm EDT, Oct 26, 2005

Rep. Gene Taylor (news, bio, voting record), D-Miss., whose coastal district was among the hardest hit by Katrina, said Brown's contract extension is an insult to taxpayers, particularly those Gulf Coast residents "whose lives were in danger in the aftermath of that storm because of Mike Brown's incompetence."

What the hell is this???

FEMA Extends Brown's Contract by 30 Days

Stars & Stripes - VA under fire for plan to review all post-traumatic stress disorder claims
Topic: Current Events 1:13 am EDT, Oct 22, 2005

“To the VA, this is simply a process seeking out voids in paperwork,” said Rep. Tom Udall, D-N.M, at a Thursday hearing on Capitol Hill. “But to veterans, it’s a jolting realization that their day-to-day struggles are being questioned again.”

And this is how the administration supports the troops. They have cut pay, screwed with veterans other benefits, run a back door draft via stop-loss, and I've previously noted some of the other things, like not providing what should have been issued equipment, blocked payments to families who purchased that equipment out of their own pocket, and tried to revoke payments to soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.

With this kind of support, being put in harms way is criminal.

Stars & Stripes - VA under fire for plan to review all post-traumatic stress disorder claims

The Importance of the Plame Affair
Topic: Current Events 1:21 pm EDT, Oct 19, 2005

There is more to this. When it is revealed that you were a NOC, foreign intelligence services begin combing back over your life, examining every relationship you had. Anyone you came into contact with becomes suspect. Sometimes, in some countries, becoming suspect can cost you your life. Revealing the identity of a NOC can be a matter of life and death -- frequently, of people no one has ever heard of or will ever hear of again.

In short, a NOC owes things to his country, and his country owes things to the NOC. We have no idea what Valerie Plame told her family or friends about her work. It may be that she herself broke the rules, revealing that she once worked as a NOC. We can't know that, because we don't know whether she received authorization from the CIA to say things after her own identity was blown by others. She might have been irresponsible, or she might have engaged in damage control. We just don't know.

What we do know is this. In the course of events, reporters contacted two senior officials in the White House -- Rove and Libby. Under the least-damaging scenario we have heard, the reporters already knew that Plame had worked as a NOC. Rove and Libby, at this point, were obligated to say, at the very least, that they could neither confirm nor deny the report. In fact, their duty would have been quite a bit more: Their job was to lie like crazy to mislead the reporters. Rove and Libby had top security clearances and were senior White House officials. It was their sworn duty, undertaken when they accepted their security clearance, to build a "bodyguard of lies" -- in Churchill's phrase -- around the truth concerning U.S. intelligence capabilities.

Why the Plame Affair is far more important than no talent ass clowns like Boortz would have you believe.

[This is something that I've been saying about this since it broke. Outing a CIA agent in the first place is bad. Plame however did no "official" work for CIA, and Rove and/or Libby saying she did was a fundamental breach of National Security. --Mike]

The Importance of the Plame Affair

Daily News Exclusive: Terror tip for rich
Topic: Current Events 7:13 pm EDT, Oct 14, 2005

"We're briefing the mayor, ratcheting up security, talking about when to go public - and Homeland Security is downplaying the whole thing while their people are telling friends to stay out of the subways," a police source said. "It's pretty bad."

It seems that at the same time that Bloomberg is saying "we have a threat" and Homeland Security is saying "This isn't confirmed," internally, they're telling their friends things they don't tell the rest of the public.

What the hell is going on here? Government "of the people, by the people, but for the few?"

Daily News Exclusive: Terror tip for rich

In Shift, FEMA Will Seek Bids for Gulf Work - New York Times
Topic: Current Events 3:00 pm EDT, Oct  7, 2005

They have already won commitments from FEMA for a total of $125 million in work, identifying sites for trailers and mobile homes for Hurricane Katrina evacuees and then installing the housing across Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

Now let me be sure I understand this. There are contracts out there to put in trailer homes, you remeber those, "God's gift to tornadoes and hurricanes" trailer homes, all across the area just smacked by Katrina and Rita?

No. No. No again I say! If you're going to build something, build something that has a chance of survival, not a straw man.

In Shift, FEMA Will Seek Bids for Gulf Work - New York Times

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