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Current Topic: Politics and Law

Court Rules Against Pot for Sick People - Yahoo! News
Topic: Politics and Law 12:19 pm EDT, Jun  6, 2005

In the court's main decision, Stevens raised concerns about abuse of marijuana laws. "Our cases have taught us that there are some unscrupulous physicians who overprescribe when it is sufficiently profitable to do so," he said.

While I certainly understand what Stevens is saying here, what I don't understand is how it applies. In this case they are talking about growing your own, not someone trying to make a profit.

There is an old adage that says tough decisions make bad law. From what I can see here, this was just a decision that doesn't address the issues. That will always result in bad law.

Court Rules Against Pot for Sick People - Yahoo! News

Mom indicted for hiring stripper for son
Topic: Politics and Law 3:28 pm EDT, May 31, 2005

] Anette Pharris, 34, has been indicted by a grand jury on
] charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and
] involving a minor in obscene acts. The boy’s
] father, the stripper and two others also face charges.

From what I see here, I'm going to say that the potential results of this trial are probably going to be more harmful to this kid than having the stripper. Not that hiring a stripper for a 16 year old was a stroke of genius, but the likely upshot of this is disasterous. The financial burden of this sort of litigation alone doesn't help the family, or the kid.

Mom indicted for hiring stripper for son

Voinovich Slams Bolton but OKs Senate Vote
Topic: Politics and Law 2:41 pm EDT, May 12, 2005

] Voinovich called Bolton "the poster child of what someone
] in the diplomatic corps should not be." He said Bolton
] would be fired if he was in the private sector.

That's pretty harsh. If you feel that way, why not simply vote against him and be done with it?

Voinovich Slams Bolton but OKs Senate Vote

FDA to Implement Gay Sperm Donor Rules
Topic: Politics and Law 2:14 am EDT, May  6, 2005

] "Under these rules, a heterosexual man who had
] unprotected sex with
] HIV-positive prostitutes would be OK as a donor one year
] later, but a gay man in a monogamous, safe-sex
] relationship is not OK unless he's been celibate for five
] years," said Leland Traiman, director of a clinic in
] Alameda, Calif., that seeks gay sperm donors.

Gee, it's sure nice to see that while we're telling Muslim countries thay can loosen up up get shot, we're doing the opposite.

FDA to Implement Gay Sperm Donor Rules

Bush Aide Urges Dems to Work With GOP
Topic: Politics and Law 2:01 pm EDT, May  2, 2005

] Card said congressional Democrats have failed to provide
] their own plan for fixing Social Security. "It's time for
] them to acknowledge the problem and offer to do something
] about it. Because the status quo is not acceptable," he
] said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
] Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., hit
] back. "You know, I'd like to see the president being
] willing to really engage in a bipartisan debate. He has
] said, basically: This is my plan, take it or leave it,"
] Leahy said.

I love how this works. Shrub tosses up the private accounts thing, admits in his press conference that it won't solve the problem, and then also says that he won't accept anything that doesn't include it. I also loved that he said "pay as you go" when he hasn't done anything of the sort.

If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and dressing up a pile of crap in a prom dress doesn't change that it's a pile of crap underneath.

Bush Aide Urges Dems to Work With GOP

Miami Mayor Wants Sex Offender Ban - Yahoo! News
Topic: Politics and Law 3:14 pm EDT, Apr 30, 2005

] Mayor David Dermer wants to prevent sex offenders from
] living within 2,500 feet, or a half-mile, of any school,
] school bus stop, day care center, park or playground on
] the 7.5-mile-long barrier island. Currently, sex
] offenders must stay 1,000 feet from those areas.

At some point one of these guys is going to sue that these people are infringing on due process and then the whole thing is going to come tumbling down.

Miami Mayor Wants Sex Offender Ban - Yahoo! News

George Bush's second term
Topic: Politics and Law 7:06 pm EDT, Apr 28, 2005

“I earned capital in the campaign, political capital”, he said, “and now I intend to spend it.”

Here's the update from three months later. The Social Security plan? Reviled. Tom DeLay? Under seige. Terry Shiavo? Dead and people are mad about him trying to get involved.

It's going to be a long long time until next election season.

George Bush's second term

House Votes to Reverse GOP Ethics Rules
Topic: Politics and Law 4:50 pm EDT, Apr 28, 2005

] The minority party forced Republicans on Wednesday to
] vote for reversal of new GOP rules for investigating
] House members and staff. Reversal was the Democrats'
] price for ending a deadlock on the evenly divided
] committee.

Sorry "Hammer," this one is gonna hurt.

House Votes to Reverse GOP Ethics Rules

Frist Won't Budge on Filibuster Demands
Topic: Politics and Law 4:41 pm EDT, Apr 28, 2005

] "Throughout this debate, we have held firm to a simple
] principle, judicial nominees deserve up-or-down votes,"
] Frist said.

That's funny. When it was the Democrats who ran congress, the Republicans didn't have any problem with the filibuster rules.

Frist Won't Budge on Filibuster Demands

Bush to Announce Energy, Soc. Sec. Plans
Topic: Politics and Law 4:39 pm EDT, Apr 28, 2005

] It was only the fourth prime-time news conference of his
] presidency, and the White House asked television networks
] to broadcast it live %u2014 a request that some found
] hard to swallow. Thursday was the first night of the May
] ratings "sweeps," a barometer watched closely to set
] advertising prices.

When the networks don't want to show you because it screws up sweeps week, it's time to wonder a) if American's really care about who is in office, and b) if what the guy who is going on the air really has anything to say. I'm starting to think it's both.

Bush to Announce Energy, Soc. Sec. Plans

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