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I am a hacker and you are afraid and that makes you more dangerous than I ever could be. Debate Transcipt
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:36 am EDT, Oct  1, 2004

] is working on a full transcript of the entire
] presidential debate. It is a work in progress which will
] be separated by question.
] The following is a part one of the first debate between
] President George W. Bush and Sen. John Kerry at the
] University of Miami. The topic of the debate is foreign
] affairs and the moderator is Jim Lehrer of PBS:

Here's the transcript, which sadly doesn't tellyou about Bush's facial expressions or tone. To me, he acted like a 13 year old girl told she can't go to the mall. Debate Transcipt

Topic: Miscellaneous 6:41 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2004

] Dark Tips: Mag Stripe Secrets
] Being the curious lad that he is, Kevin wanted to know
] what information is contained on the little magnetic
] stripe on his credit cards, grocery club cards, Starbucks
] card, etc. With the V3-4 Magstripe Reader from Omron
] ($40) adapted by Yoshi to a DB-15 male connector, you can
] swipe your own cards to see what;s on them. Just get
] a copy of StripeSnoop and you're on your way; note
] that some stripe have multiple tracks.

Holy Shit! Stripe Snoop was on TV!


Debate rules
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:55 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2004

] There are numerous rules for Thursday's presidential
] debate -- covering everything from the height of the
] lecturns to where each candidate must stand.

its weird to see what the sides argued about and why. I liked the fact that the 2 podiums are 10 ft apart, to reduce the effect of the the 5 inches Kerry has on Bush

Debate rules

NBC 4 - Politics - Compare Candidates On The Issues
Topic: Current Events 3:44 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2004

] *These issue statments were collected from the
] candidates' Web sites and campaigns, from speeches and
] public statements, and news articles.

How about a nice simple checklist to see where the candidates stand on the main issues of the campaign. No partisanship or bias (that I can see anyway), just a simple checklist. This is the best one that I coudl fine.

NBC 4 - Politics - Compare Candidates On The Issues

TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook
Topic: Technology 12:57 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2004

] Welcome to TiddlyWiki, an experimental MicroContent
] WikiWikiWeb built by JeremyRuston. It's written in HTML
] and JavaScript to run on any browser without needing any
] ServerSide logic. It allows anyone to create
] SelfContained hypertext documents that can be posted to
] any web server, or sent by email. If you like it, do
] please EmailMe and let me know. If you're interested in
] FuturePlans for TiddlyWiki, keep an eye on this site.

This is very cool.

TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

America's Secret War - George Friedman - Author interviews
Topic: Current Events 12:56 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2004

The 30 minute video here is not to be missed.

Great Q&A as well. Can't wait to watch the video

America's Secret War - George Friedman - Author interviews

Satisfaction/Intergalactic Remix
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:47 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2004

I just heard a rather cool remix on the way home. A DJ doubled the tempo of The Beastie Boys' Intergalactic, and mixed it into Benny Benassi's Satisfaction. Very very nice, with out without the power tools.

Schwarzenegger bans smoking in prisons
Topic: Current Events 9:27 am EDT, Sep 28, 2004

] The measure amends the state's penal code to bar tobacco
] products from prisons and youth correctional facilities.
] Violators are subject to a fine.

Well Damn... whatever will they use for currency now?

Schwarzenegger bans smoking in prisons

FTPDMIN: Minimal ad-hoc file transfer Windows FTP server
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:00 pm EDT, Sep 27, 2004

] Ftpdmin is a minimal Windows FTP server. Ftpdmin is
] intended to be run on an as-needed basis to do file
] transfers between Windows computers when setting up
] Windows file sharing is just too much of a bother.

A small simple FTP server that doesn't need to be installed, and also has password protection. Nice addition to my root kit.

FTPDMIN: Minimal ad-hoc file transfer Windows FTP server - Web site offers after-death e-mail - Sep 26, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:59 pm EDT, Sep 27, 2004

] a Spanish Internet company is breaking fresh ground on
] the Web by offering people the chance to write one last
] e-mail, complete with video clip or photo attachments,
] and send it to loved ones, friends or even enemies after
] the person who wrote it is dead.

Myself and others had to talk Virgil out of creating something similar to this, but with Suicide Notes ( I believe). He figured he could help make suicide more sucessful if he offered a mechanism for making sure the note wasn't discovered early. Of course, Virgil also wanted to retain copyright of the notes, so he could make a coffee table book of them.

Look like someone beat you to the punch Virgil. This company is totally going to get sued out of existance in a year. - Web site offers after-death e-mail - Sep 26, 2004

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