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Restaurants open late in San Francisco
Topic: SF Bay Area 4:00 pm EST, Jan 21, 2003

Been tossin' a few back, partying hearty into the wee hours, and now you just gotta have something to eat, to take that eat screechin' hunger outta your besotted and befuddled brain? Here's a list of places we know from experience that can take the edge off your growling tummy and give you some time to clear your head for the road home. All of these joints are in San Francisco, so if you have to "bridge and tunnel," don't wait until you get back to the boonies to slurp and slob. It just may be too late.

Restaurants open late in San Francisco Arts & Entertainment | Pete Townshend is arrested in child pornography case
Topic: Current Events 4:32 pm EST, Jan 13, 2003

] "Rock star Pete Townshend of The Who has been arrested on
] suspicion of possessing indecent images of children,
] police said Monday. " Arts & Entertainment | Pete Townshend is arrested in child pornography case
Topic: Humor 3:39 am EST, Jan 12, 2003

This is a great animation. Press "any" key to begin! News Business -- Governor announces plan to boost biotech jobs
Topic: Science 1:05 am EST, Jan  5, 2003

] "CULVER CITY Gov. Gray Davis announced plans
] Thursday for economic and education programs to help more
] Californians find jobs in biotech and to ensure the
] lucrative industry keeps a strong presence in the state.

] California must work to ensure the state's 2,500 biotech
] companies are not lured to other states or countries, the
] governor said.

] "Fully one-third of biotech companies and their employees
] are in this state, and we want to keep it that way," News Business -- Governor announces plan to boost biotech jobs Books: Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell
Topic: Science 12:55 am EST, Jan  5, 2003

I thought a few people here might be interested in this book.. It's released on February 1st, 2003. Books: Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell

Yahoo! News - L.A. Official Calls for Probe of Internet Cafes
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:19 pm EST, Jan  3, 2003

] "LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A Los Angeles city councilman
] has called for an investigation of violence at so-called
] Internet cafes, a step that could prompt a crackdown on
] the popular and controversial sites for PC-based games"

Sounds like the types of violence we saw/heard about in Hong Kong!

Yahoo! News - L.A. Official Calls for Probe of Internet Cafes

Religious Sect Announces the First Cloned Baby
Topic: Science 11:46 pm EST, Dec 30, 2002

] "Raëlians are followers of Raël, a French-born former
] race-car driver who has said he met a four-foot space
] alien atop a volcano in southern France in 1973 and went
] aboard his ship, where he was entertained by voluptuous
] female robots and learned that the first humans were
] created 25,000 years ago by space travelers called
] Elohim, who cloned themselves"

Ok, so they say that the first human "clone" has been born. Frankly, I don't believe them, and I won't even if the tests say that it is a clone, unless they show the full genome sequences of both the mother and the child, which they won't. The test they are probably going to use is most likely the same one they use in forensics to prove someone is innocent of a crime. The test involves using restriction enzymes to cut at Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTRs) which are segments of repeated sequences in our genome. What makes it useful for forensics is that it creates a "genetic fingerprint", due to the fact that we all have a different number of VNTRs. But the reason why I won't believe the results if it says it is a clone is the same reason why this test cannot prove that someone is guilty...only that someone is innocent of a crime. If investigators take a genetic sample from a crime scene and do this test on that sample versus samples from several suspects, it makes it easy to rule out some of those suspects based on the fact that their results are very different from the crime scene sample. But there may be a few suspects whos results look similar to the crime scene sample because it is possible for two unrelated individuals to have similar numbers of VNTRs. Therefore, guilt cannot be labelled from this test, and clones cannot be labelled from this test either.
Another point is that if this is a real clone, then the scientists responsible for a cloned human must have been working covertly for many years. Cloning of mammals is not as easy as the media makes it out to be. I find it hard to believe that if this baby is a clone, it is truely healthy, as they say. This cloned child will grow up with many problems, starting with the fact that it will have the same problem that Dolly the cloned sheep has with her telomeres, cell growth and aging.
I am angered by these so called scientists and their quest for cloning human beings. I see no purpose in it, only greed on the part of the people involved....greed for recognition. They claim they are "aiding infertile couples to bear children", but there are other, safer, moral ways of helping infertile couples have children. These scientists are not progressing science, but instead, are retarding the progress of science. There is a difference between reproductive cloning and therapuetic cloning, but after this, there is bound to be more restrictions on research being done in therapuetic cloning areas, although it may aid in tissue engineering one day.
I am very skeptical of the fact that this is a true clone, but on the off chance that it is, I am, to say the least, horrified.

Religious Sect Announces the First Cloned Baby

Topic: Miscellaneous 11:34 pm EST, Dec 30, 2002

yes, it's more erotica. not work safe!

Gina Velour: It was the best of both worlds! I've been lovers with the Otto Wrek character for several years. We'd never been in an erotic film before. We started with this idea that we wanted to be photographed together, kissing, but we wanted to be photographed via x-ray, thinking it would look really weird and really cool. But we scrapped that idea because it would have been a really unsafe, unhealthy thing to do. And then, out of the blue, we had to access to this infrared camera and decided to make a film together. It was story-boarded and put together literally overnight! There was no time to think about the pros and cons. Here's this camera, no one else is going to be in a film like this for us, so it has to be us in the film!


BODYSCAPES - Gallery Seven
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:32 pm EST, Dec 30, 2002

Ok, I've decided to start posting erotica. This is NOT work safe. Well, I guess that all depends on where you work. This is sooo cool. Dioramas -n- body parts.

BODYSCAPES - Gallery Seven

RIAA hax0red.
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:31 pm EST, Dec 30, 2002

The RIAA today continued its war on the pirates which plague the music industry. It has decided to turn its attention to the real pirates: the ones that make millions from the artists they claim to represent, while screwing them out of their money. To this end, the RIAA will shut down at the beginning of January. Bye bye!

RIAA hax0red.

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