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RE: Palo Alto party ends in looting
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:57 pm EST, Dec 27, 2002

Darwin wrote:
] It began as a Christmas night party at the Palo Alto Elks
] Lodge, a ``social gathering,'' it said on the contract, which
] estimated that about 100 might show up to dance to a DJ and
] drink sodas, security provided.
] Instead, as many as 500 showed up at the hip-hop party, which
] spiraled out of control. After it broke up about 1 a.m.
] Thursday, partygoers reportedly looted two convenience stores,
] raced and spun out cars along El Camino Real and fired
] gunshots into the air. Police also suspect that someone at the
] party robbed a teen walking just four blocks away.

State of Emergency!

RE: Palo Alto party ends in looting

Clueless Mailers: The Latest Ugly Trend in Spamming
Topic: Computers 11:55 pm EST, Dec 27, 2002

Um... Wow...

I just looked for this on memestreams and couldn't find it because it didn't have the keywords I was looking for. So, I figured I'd write something useful here.

This is a very fucking cool graph of the relationship between people who have been known to send SPAM. It's kind of scary!

Clueless Mailers: The Latest Ugly Trend in Spamming

Yahoo! News - Stem Cells Become Working Human Kidneys in Mice
Topic: Science 1:39 pm EST, Dec 23, 2002

] "NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Human stem cells
] transplanted into mice eventually developed into working,
] mouse-sized human kidneys, researchers report in a new
] study"

Yahoo! News - Stem Cells Become Working Human Kidneys in Mice

Connexions | Creative Commons
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:26 am EST, Dec 23, 2002

] "What does that mean, exactly? When it's up and running,
] Connexions will offer an online library of networked
] content that will allow instructors to pick and choose
] best-of-breed instructional materials. Experts around the
] world will develop and contribute modules of information
] specific to their own expertise. These modules "

Connexions | Creative Commons

.: Snoop Dogg - Tha Shizzolator :.
Topic: Humor 4:22 am EST, Dec 23, 2002

] "What up cuz? It's tha Snoopy D-O-double Gizzle in da hizzle.
] Enter yo trickass URL below and I'll traaanslate it from tha
] shizzle to da shiznit, know what I'm sayin?"

This is sooo awesome.

.: Snoop Dogg - Tha Shizzolator :.

How tipping works.
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:38 am EST, Dec 19, 2002

"Guilt issues aside, research has shown that the quality of the service we receive isn't always reflected in the tip we leave. Many who have studied the practice have discovered that excellent service only draws a marginally higher tip than average service. Other things the server might do, however, do make more of a difference -- probably without our even realizing it! For example, Cornell University's Center for Hospitality Research has conducted several studies revealing some interesting facts about server habits that can boost tip percentages. Here are a few of them."

How tipping works.

Menstruation calendar
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:37 am EST, Dec 10, 2002

] Mencal is a simple variation of the well-known unix
] command cal. The main difference is that you can have
] some periodically repeating days highlighted in color.
] This can be used to track menstruation (or other) cycles
] conveniently.

This kicks total ass. I'm going to use it. Thank you!

Menstruation calendar

Welcome to Moon Resort and Casino: Building a Dream
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:31 am EST, Dec 10, 2002

This looks like it will be fun...

Welcome to Moon Resort and Casino: Building a Dream

The Word Spy
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:27 am EST, Dec 10, 2002

Welcome to the home of the Word Spy. This Web site and its associated mailing list are devoted to recently coined words, existing words that have enjoyed a recent renaissance, and older words that are being used in new ways.

Each weekday, the Word Spy presents a new word, its definition, and a citation (usually from a major newspaper or magazine) that shows how people are using the word. You also get extra goodies such as background on the word's formation, a list of related words from the Word Spy database, quotations on words and language, and more.

The Word Spy

Topic: Miscellaneous 4:27 am EST, Dec 10, 2002

Your computer is full of evidence. You need help now.

Years of Internet data could be used by the police.

Time of latest investigation: Today 7:28:18 P.M. ON 29 NOVEMBER 2002

Click Here Now For Urgent Help To Stop This Investigation

Are you guilty? What's that on your desktop? What are all those PICTURES?


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