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Finding Your First Apartment in New York City - Your Apartment May Be Smaller Than Expected - Housing - New York Times


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Finding Your First Apartment in New York City - Your Apartment May Be Smaller Than Expected - Housing - New York Times
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:41 pm EDT, Apr 21, 2008

The thousands of new graduates who will be driving the engine of the city’s rental market from now until September will quickly learn that renting in New York is not like renting anywhere else.

The second shock is likely to be how small a Manhattan apartment can be. It is not uncommon in New York, for example, to shop for a junior one-bedroom or a convertible one-bedroom, neither of which is a true one-bedroom at all but really a studio that already has or can have a wall put up to create a bedroom.

Aside from the realities of price and space, the requirements set by New York landlords are also bound to help turn a bright-eyed first-time renter’s outlook grim. To start with, landlords want only tenants who earn at least 40 times the monthly rent, which means an $80,000 annual salary for a $2,000 apartment. According to census data, more than 25,000 graduates ages 22 to 28 moved to the city in 2006, and their median salary was about $35,600.

Those who don’t make 40 times their monthly rent need a guarantor, usually a parent, who in turn must make at least 80 times the monthly rent. In addition to a security deposit, some landlords also want the first and last month’s rent. Tack on a broker’s fee and a prospective renter for that $2,000 apartment is out of pocket nearly $10,000 just to get the keys to the place.

The apartment sizes and prices in NY never cease to amaze me.


Finding Your First Apartment in New York City - Your Apartment May Be Smaller Than Expected - Housing - New York Times

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