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Ramblings of an Partially Deaf Girl in a Selectivly Deaf Society


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Seize every minute...look at it and really see it .. live it and never give it back

Calculate your BMI
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:44 pm EST, Jan 12, 2005

] Body mass index (BMI) is measure of body fat based on
] height and weight that applies to both adult men and
] women.

This can be somewhat depressing but it is also important information to have.

Calculate your BMI

The Periodic Table like you have NEVER seen
Topic: Science 6:57 am EST, Jan 12, 2005

This is so cool!

The Periodic Table like you have NEVER seen

Meet the Cubes
Topic: Recreation 7:06 am EST, Jan 11, 2005

] Bob, Joe, Ted, and Ann spend eight hours a day, five days
] a week, at tiny desks in tiny cubicles in a giant room
] packed with countless similar cubicles in a giant
] building filled with countless similar rooms.

] Each set has one 2-3/4" posable plastic figure and all
] the necessary plastic parts to build a classic corporate
] cube: four walls, desk, chair, file cabinet, in/out box,
] phone, and computer. Comes with a sticker sheet of decor
] for your cube, complete with graphs, charts, screens for
] the computer and pithy office posters.

Meet the Cubes

Furcozie- for your latte
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:12 pm EST, Jan 10, 2005

] The fur provides a luxurious sensual experience, indicating ones
] distinguished refinement while enjoying their to-go latte.

Furcozie- for your latte

N Korea wages war on long hair
Topic: Health and Wellness 10:02 pm EST, Jan 10, 2005

] North Korea has launched an intensive media assault on
] its latest arch enemy - the wrong haircut.

] A campaign exhorting men to get a proper
] short-back-and-sides has been aired by state-run
] Pyongyang television.

] The series is entitled Let us trim our hair in accordance
] with Socialist lifestyle.

] It stressed the "negative effects" of long hair on "human
] intelligence development", noting that long hair
] "consumes a great deal of nutrition" and could thus rob
] the brain of energy.

] A second, and unprecedented, TV series this winter showed
] hidden-camera style video of "long-haired" men in various
] locations throughout Pyongyang.

] In a break with North Korean TV's usual approach, the
] programme gave their names and addresses, and challenged
] the fashion victims directly over their appearance.

] State radio programmes such as "Dressing in accordance
] with our people's emotion and taste" link clothes and
] appearance with the wearer's "ideological and mental
] state".

] Tidy attire "is important in repelling the enemies'
] manoeuvres to infiltrate corrupt capitalist ideas and
] lifestyle and establishing the socialist lifestyle of the
] military-first era," the radio says.

] "People who wear other's style of dress and live in
] other's style will become fools and that nation will come
] to ruin," it says.

Aparently many of those among us are killing their brain's ability with excessive amounts of hair. We will not even start on the "style of dress"

N Korea wages war on long hair

Topic: Science 9:44 am EST, Jan 10, 2005

] Metallic rods about 500 times smaller than the width of a
] human hair have been turned into tiny "propellers" by a
] Canadian research team.

] Their motion is driven by addition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to
] the solution in which they are contained.

] A reaction at the free ends liberates gas bubbles to provide
] thrust, turning the rods at a near constant speed.

] Only when the supply of hydrogen peroxide fuel is exhausted do the
] rods stop spinning.


RE: Interz0ne 4: *50* BUCKS???
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:40 am EST, Jan  9, 2005

Hijexx wrote:
] We at Interz0ne strive to bring you the absolute best
] experience while you attend the conference, and we also try to
] do this where it doesn't empty your wallet in the process. But
] with trying to bring you the best of the best speakers,
] forums, and issues, it does mean expenditures on Interz0ne's
] part. We regretfully announce that we have to raise the
] entrance fee for this year's conference to $50.00 a person
] for the weekend

] ...
] Yes, it is regretful. One question: WHY? I was thinking
] about going this year, paying the $30 I did last year and
] hoping to enjoy an excellent schedule like last year. The
] schedule still looks great this year, but, come on, 50
] dollars? What exactly is this paying for?
] I still might do it so I can visit my ATLiens (if they are
] going) and have a good time, but the $50 price tag is really
] giving me pause. After last year's "Student Price Retracted"
] debacle, it's giving me even more pause.
] Someone clue me in, where does the $50 go? I understand con
] space costs some $$$ from being involved with Phreanic in the
] past. Give me a guesstimate to help me make a decision here.
] Is the figure so high because the attendance is being
] projected low? Is the hotel charging way too much for space?
] Are speakers being compensated?

I agree with Hijexx. I see no reason why a con roughly the size of PN...possibly even smaller, would need $50. I mean...Defcon is $75, and if Interz0ne is $50, then $75 for Defcon is starting to look like a good deal. I don't plan on attending Interz0ne this year. Granted, I may happen to be hanging out at the hotel's bar, to chat with friends I only see at cons...but I won't be "going" to the con because 1) I think $50 is way too expensive and 2) past grievances with the so called "student price" that was suddenly retracted at the door last year. If you advertise a student price, then either stick to it, or give me a damn good valid reason why the "student price" is retracted. When your a student, every dollar counts. Anyway, thats my rant for the evening:)

RE: Interz0ne 4: *50* BUCKS???

Education Dept. paid commentator to promote law
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:19 am EST, Jan  8, 2005

] Seeking to build support among black families for its
] education reform law, the Bush administration paid a
] prominent black pundit $240,000 to promote the law on his
] nationally syndicated television show and to urge other
] black journalists to do the same.

Good stuff.

Education Dept. paid commentator to promote law

Tsunami - Receding waters, Kalutara Beach, Sri Lanka
Topic: Current Events 2:18 am EST, Jan  8, 2005

] These take my breath away


Tsunami - Receding waters, Kalutara Beach, Sri Lanka

NPR : The 'Conspiracy' Art of Mark Lombardi
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:19 am EST, Jan  7, 2005

] A few weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, an FBI
] agent called the Whitney Museum of American Art and asked
] to see a drawing on exhibit there. The piece was by Mark
] Lombardi, an artist who had committed suicide the year
] before. Using just a pencil and a huge sheet of paper,
] Lombardi had created an intricate pattern of curves and
] arcs to illustrate the links between global finance and
] international terrorism.

Something to listen to while you look through the year in graphs.

NPR : The 'Conspiracy' Art of Mark Lombardi

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