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Ramblings of an Partially Deaf Girl in a Selectivly Deaf Society


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Seize every minute...look at it and really see it .. live it and never give it back

MacSkinz Designs
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:16 pm EST, Dec 10, 2004

] Protective and decorative case for the Apple iPod.
] PodSkinz are form fitting and give the appearance of
] originality. They do not add the bulk of other cases on
] the market. Each includes a cling-vinyl screen protector.

You can get a cute little cover for your ipod and apple computer just like a cell phone. (he he)

MacSkinz Designs

Creation Museum | Walk-through
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:32 pm EST, Dec  6, 2004

]The horror! All a result of disobeying one simple command in GodÂ’s
]Word. Yet God is love. He promised a Redeemer through Eve that
]would bring salvation. But the only way to cover our sin is the
]horrific death of an innocent substitute.

] When God clothed Adam and Eve, it required the first
] animal death, a picture of the promised Lamb of God.

Ok so this means we were all supose to be vegetarians.

Creation Museum | Walk-through

Microsoft's new blogging service sparks a new game for some of its users- Getting past the censors
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:28 pm EST, Dec  4, 2004

]BoingBoing, a popular Web log, on Friday reported that MSN Spaces
]is rejecting certain blog titles or URLs because they contain words ]that Microsoft has deemed inappropriate.

]But the fun started for many users when blogs with tricky titles
]that resembled innocuous terms--think of a racier version of "tit ]for tat," for example--cleared Microsoft's censorship filters.

]Getting a blog with a dirty name past the MSN Spaces controls may
]be fun, but it also illustrates the tensions between the
]traditionally free and open world of blogging and the more
]corporate approach of a software giant like Microsoft.

]"If you can't speak freely on a blog, what's the point of having
]one?" BoingBoing pointed out.

]These tensions are also apparent in Microsoft's approach to blog
]content. Unlike rival services such as Blogger, MSN Spaces forces ]new users to grant Microsoft permission to "use, copy, distribute,
]transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit,
]modify, translate and reformat" their blog postings.

Microsoft's new blogging service sparks a new game for some of its users- Getting past the censors

The postcards of the Keown-Boyd Family 1898-1922
Topic: Recreation 8:53 pm EST, Dec  2, 2004

] Someone found a huge box of old postcards (1898-1922) in
] an antique shop. Not all that unusual, but what made them
] interesting was that they were all sent between members
] of the same (huge) family. Their finder is now scanning
] them in, transcribing them, and sticking them online.

This reminds me of the short lived site "I found part of your life" but over 100 years ago and it comes with original comentary.

The postcards of the Keown-Boyd Family 1898-1922

Crocheted Vagina
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:50 pm EST, Nov 30, 2004

] If you have ever wondered to yourself, "Gee, my life
] would be perfect if ONLY I had a crocheted vagina?" --
] and who hasn't -- then this is the product for you. Now
] you can have your very own crocheted vagina!

]This handmade conversation piece makes a great gift for that
]hard-to-buy-for family member, or the friend who has everything. I ]guarantee they don't have this. Also works great as a coaster. A
]big coaster.

This falls into the WTF category. Honestly who would be sitting around and suddenly decides this is what they want to do with their life?

Crocheted Vagina

Lava lamp kills man
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:21 pm EST, Nov 30, 2004

] A man who placed a lava lamp on a hot stovetop was killed
] when it exploded and sent a shard of glass into his heart

There is never a shortage of people with NO common sense.

Lava lamp kills man

Welcome to the LifeGem
Topic: Health and Wellness 9:26 am EST, Nov 30, 2004

]The LifeGem is a certified, high quality diamond created from the
]carbon of your loved one as a memorial to their unique and
]wonderful life.

Hey why not. Now your deceased wife can be your new wife's engagement ring or you dead husband could now be your favorite earrings.

Welcome to the LifeGem

What you can do with Cremation
Topic: Health and Wellness 9:19 am EST, Nov 30, 2004

]LOOKING FOR A novel way to spend eternity? Consider LifeGem, a
]Chicago company that will turn your ashes into diamonds. Ocean
]lovers might prefer Eternal Reefs, a Decatur, Ga., company that
]mixes ashes into concrete to make artificial coral reefs that are
]dropped into the sea. Then there's Celebrate Life, of Lakeside,
]Calif., which will scatter your remains in a fireworks display.
]In fact, when it comes to innovative ways to use cremated
]remains, the sky is not the limit. Houston's Celestis has already
]blasted the remains of about 100 people into space, including
]Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry.

What you can do with Cremation

Stress can make your life 10 years shorter
Topic: Health and Wellness 8:19 am EST, Nov 30, 2004

] Psychological stress can take off several years from your
] life as it makes your cells age faster.

] It was found that Telomeres and telomerase, parts of the
] chromosomes responsible for aging, are affected by
] psychological stress which also takes it's toll on the
] molecules believed to play a key role in cellular aging
] and, possibly, disease development.

Stress can make your life 10 years shorter

Compy 386?? Not No More.
Topic: Arts 8:11 am EST, Nov 30, 2004

This one builds on last week. I thought some of you might enjoy it.

Compy 386?? Not No More.

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