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RE: Fux0ring 3133t Cruise Missile d00d3s
Topic: Technology 12:16 am EDT, Jun  4, 2003

Decius wrote:
] ] However, there have also been a number of people who
] ] claim I'm overstating the case and that it's not possible
] ] to build a real cruise missile without access to
] ] sophisticated gear, specialist tools and information not
] ] readily available outside the military.
] ]
] ] So, in order to prove my case, I decided to put my money
] ] where my mouth is and build a cruise missile in my own
] ] garage, on a budget of just US$5,000.

Oh how I'd have been the envy of everyone in the Rocket Club back in JR high armed with THIS info! ;)

Laughing Boy

If he pulls this off, someone at Lockheed please give this guy a job and save the tax payers a couple bucks!

RE: Fux0ring 3133t Cruise Missile d00d3s

Fux0ring 3133t Cruise Missile d00d3s
Topic: Technology 12:09 am EDT, Jun  4, 2003

] However, there have also been a number of people who
] claim I'm overstating the case and that it's not possible
] to build a real cruise missile without access to
] sophisticated gear, specialist tools and information not
] readily available outside the military.
] So, in order to prove my case, I decided to put my money
] where my mouth is and build a cruise missile in my own
] garage, on a budget of just US$5,000.

Fux0ring 3133t Cruise Missile d00d3s

Survey: World support for U.S. at new low
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:03 am EDT, Jun  4, 2003

] As President Bush plunges into Middle East diplomacy, a
] survey of 20 nations and the Palestinian Authority shows
] widespread distrust of his leadership, skepticism in the
] region about his plan for peace and less regard for the
] United States around the world.
] The survey, sponsored by the non-partisan Pew Research
] Center, found that feelings in Muslim countries were
] particularly inflamed in the wake of the war with Iraq.
] In seven of eight Muslim countries, majorities said they
] feared a U.S. military invasion.
] In Indonesia, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority,
] majorities said they had confidence in Osama bin Laden to
] "do the right thing in world affairs." Nearly half of
] those in Morocco and Pakistan agreed.

bin Laden is an "ambassador" to these people? Nice going Shrub. Could you please undermine what little respect we have left in the world some more please?

Survey: World support for U.S. at new low

Before The Matrix, There was Only Meat
Topic: Arts 6:19 pm EDT, Jun  3, 2003

] "They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell
] you. Meat made the machines."
] "That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You're
] asking me to believe in sentient meat."
] "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. These creatures are
] the only sentient race in that sector and they're made
] out of meat."
] "Maybe they're like the orfolei. You know, a carbon-based
] intelligence that goes through a meat stage."
] "Nope. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied
] them for several of their life spans, which didn't take
] long. Do you have any idea what's the life span of meat?"

Before The Matrix, There was Only Meat

Topic: Miscellaneous 6:19 pm EDT, Jun  3, 2003

] Man of the moment Keanu Reeves has shown his generosity
] by giving away £50 million of his earnings from the
] Matrix sequels. The 38-year-old decided to hand over the
] money to the unsung heroes of the sci-fi blockbusters -
] the costume and special effects teams.

He may not come off as the sharpest crayon in the box, but he really does seem like a genuinely nice guy.


New Functions for Cellphones
Topic: Technology 8:01 pm EDT, Jun  2, 2003

] The Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association
] counted 140 million cellphone subscribers in this country
] in 2002 %u2014 a number that is sure to keep rising as
] cellphones become smaller, lighter and more versatile.
] One of the most popular new configurations is the
] cellphone with a built-in personal digital assistant. But
] that combination represents only a small fraction of what
] telecommunications or computer companies and independent
] inventors say cellphones can do.

Fascinating stuff.

New Functions for Cellphones - Scientists defy gravity with 'Spider-Man' gloves - Jun. 2, 2003
Topic: Technology 3:13 pm EDT, Jun  2, 2003

] Move over Spider-Man -- mere mortals may soon be coming
] to a ceiling near you.
] Researchers at the University of Manchester say they have
] cracked the secret of one of the reptile world's greatest
] climbers, the gecko, and produced a sticky tape that can
] mimic the lizard's gravity-defying abilities.
] Soon, people could walk on walls like comic-book
] superhero Spider-Man, the university said.
] "The new adhesive -- gecko tape -- contains billions of
] tiny plastic fibres which are similar to natural hairs
] covering the soles of geckos' feet," the University said
] in a statement.
] "The research team believes it won't be long before
] Spider-Man gloves become a reality."

OK... I need. These coupled with the nano-technology "super pants" that let you leap small buildings in a single bound... Now all I need are some web shooters and someone to sew the costume! =)

Laughing Boy - Scientists defy gravity with 'Spider-Man' gloves - Jun. 2, 2003

Was Rudolph%u2019s religion a factor?
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:37 pm EDT, Jun  2, 2003

] The arrest of alleged Olympic bomber Eric Robert Rudolph
] may finally allow authorities to answer a question that
] has loomed since the beginning of the five-year hunt for
] him, but that has taken on deeper resonance since Sept.
] 11, 2001: Is he a "Christian terrorist"?

Ooh, I bet that phrase will raise some hackles in the Christian communities.

Was Rudolph%u2019s religion a factor? - Legal file-sharing 'rewards' to be offered
Topic: Technology 1:33 pm EDT, Jun  2, 2003

] Concert tickets, DVDs and even laptops will be used to
] encourage users of the online bazaar known as Kazaa to
] swap legal files instead of pirated movies and music.
] The Peer Points Manager program announced Monday will
] essentially be Internet file-sharing's version of
] frequent flyer miles.
] Kazaa users earn points for making legal files available
] to others over the Internet. The points can be redeemed
] for small prizes like computer games or for sweepstakes
] entries to win larger items.
] The program is being run by Altnet, a Kazaa partner
] trying to promote sharing of legal files that can be
] limited in different ways by their creators, for instance
] songs that can only be played a certain number of times.
] Altnet distributes about 1,000 of such protected files
] for music, movies and software. Many of the songs
] available, however, are from obscure bands who aren't
] charging for the protected files anyway.
] Currently, when users search for files on Kazaa, they get
] "gold" listings of Altnet-sponsored items and "blue"
] listings of everything else, much of it pirated. Either
] way, users obtain files directly from a fellow user's
] computer.
] Kevin Bermeister, Altnet's chief executive, said users
] have been downloading about 20 million gold files each
] month, even though the blue versions are just a click
] away.

An interesting and pragmatic approach to the P2P "problem".

Laughing Boy - Legal file-sharing 'rewards' to be offered

RE: Cows With Guns
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:57 am EDT, Jun  2, 2003

Dementia wrote:
] Dr. Demento fans will love this one.

Really Mooooving!

Laughing Boy

RE: Cows With Guns

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