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Reasons to Attend


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Reasons to Attend
Topic: Society 10:18 pm EDT, Apr 15, 2004

As the tradition goes for Hacker Cons in the SouthEast, a list of reasons to attend is usually constructed. They are always slanted in a given direction due to the events of the last year, and the expected events of the next. Yuck it up, and/or add your own.

- Everything we have told you, for years now, has either come to pass or been partly true.
- You desire to test your ability to be evasive.
- Your paranoia is more of a fine tuned skill rather then a serious disability, but you still can't turn it off. You are coming to find a new drug.
- You have studied the art of lurking.
- You are not looking for a job.
- The whole September 11th thing still pisses you off.
- You know where certain streets are in every major American City.
- You love DARPA.
- You are terrified of DARPA.
- You called on information systems, but you still have not found an occupation. You are busy watching the detectives scurry as everyone hurries down doomsday.
- You use no crypto because the emperor wears no clothes.
- You have built infrastructure, not weapons.
- You know infrastructure and are a weapon.
- Arguing about Bill Joy being right or wrong has reached the point of diminishing returns, you would rather just help the process along.
- You suddenly realized that the "jokes" you make in the subject headers of all the encrypted email you send might be taken seriously.
- You'd be worried about you too, and all your friends.
- Since turning 18, every company you have completely destroyed or damaged financially, your own and those of others, has been accomplished via completely acceptable and legal American style business practices, by both post and pre Enron standards, for whatever the fuck that's worth.
- Many of us are well aware of the amateur bands.
- You are happy about Lessig's new book because if people read it, it will save you time.
- Offline its all about location, online its all about licensing.
- Power systems have always been a common topic of discussion.
- You were born to argue.
- Your college diploma has not opened any doors for you.
- Not having a college diploma has shut doors you installed.
- You have a copy of The Prince in one hand and Art of War in another.
- Regardless of who is in office, you have always part of the loyal opposition.
- You are looking for something to blog about, again.
- You are aware the term Social Network has existed since the 1800's.
- Corporate engineering of grouping architecture might best be called Industrial Memetics.
- Diebold is putting the security of future elections at serious risk, and someone is pulling their strings.
- You are the government, but the constituency is not clearly defined.
- You have a search technology that does not fall under Google's patents.
- Microsoft is trying to kill you, and you have been told by trusted parties this is a safe place.
- You desire to remain anonymous.
- Outsourcing isn't the problem.
- There will be no Dead Milkmen reunion, ever.
- You have multiple revolution plans, but you are still unsure who or what you are rebelling against, today.
- At least one thing you were rebelling against is now dead, but it has been successful in convincing you it was not there in the first place.
- You get out of bed by climbing a rope.
- It doesn't work the same way anymore, and you planned it that way.
- We have applications for software defined radio to the exact degree the cable and phone companies have the screws on.
- You are a common carrier.
- You dig the SysOp lifestyle.
- You don't worry about the feds anymore, you wish they would do the same.
- Profiling says you are a terrorist waiting to happen.
- The growing paranoia is only going to push the scene farther underground, but the scene is ready for that.
- You are a true patriot who is willing to act.
- You don't know how to fight per-say, but you do know how to seriously hurt people.
- You have more experience hurting yourself then hurting other people.
- Because knowing is half the battle.
- Secret laws are incompatible with democracy.
- We did become the media, and we are very decentralized.
- These cons have much in common with ad-hoc terrorist training camps. There will be something for everyone.
- No one pays any attention to you unless you are vaguely threatening.
- Your presence alone will suffice, there is more then enough threat to go around.
- Iraq season two.
- This year we are going to quit with the bullshit and start calling it World War Three.
- As the stream of terror attacks and overseas conflict continues, the energy prices will soar years before HEVs hit the scene, causing Internet usage to hit peaks only dreamed of during the most hardcore of dot-com parties.
- Old people like computers.
- We are all going to be very angry when "net predators" can take advantage of our elders in large numbers, and get away with it.
- Trolls now effect campaign finance.
- John Kerry needs VB coders.
- John Kerry needs Perl programmers too.
- FedEx needs Regex.
- You speak only in references to pop culture, terrorism, and computer science concepts. Its both Clinton and Bush's fault.

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