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Current Topic: Perl Programming |
xkcd - Perl: When you absolutely, positively, must create the universe in seven days |
Topic: Perl Programming |
2:20 pm EST, Feb 19, 2007 |
God's view on LISP, and Perl: "Truly, this was the language from which the gods wrought the universe." "No, it's not." "It's not?" "I mean, ostensibly, yes. Honestly, we hacked most of it together with Perl."
Hahaha.. That explains both the elegance of it all, and how damn confusing it is to reason through the inner workings. xkcd - Perl: When you absolutely, positively, must create the universe in seven days |
perl.com: The State of the Onion |
Topic: Perl Programming |
1:35 am EDT, Aug 22, 2004 |
The number 8 and the number 2. Laziness. Xscreensaver. ADHD and spontaneity. The many forms of Rorschach. Symmetry and sexual hang-ups. Freudian repression and expression. Asperger and initiative of others. Mutations and complications. Limited views. Dreams, no dreams, and morphine. Empathy for screensavers. Limited logical inferences per second. Tubes and pipes revisited. Tentacles, molting and emerging. Cycles and metamorphosis. Social grouping signals. Forks. Programable fashion. History handling. The best state handling money can buy. Life's iterated algorithms. Presentation continuity and forum. Passing surgery ahead. Tribes that hunt you down or make you explode. The next hundred years worth of predictions. Community, thank you. I had not realized how much hell Larry had gone through recently. I am confident Perl's best days remain ahead, and I hope the same goes for Larry. perl.com: The State of the Onion |
The Register | Nokia to release Perl for smartphones |
Topic: Perl Programming |
3:36 am EST, Jan 20, 2004 |
] Nokia will make an internal version of the Perl scripting ] language for Series 60 smartphones available to its ] developer community, Lee Epting, Nokia's VP of Developer ] Relations, tells us. Nokia acknowledges a demand for more ] developer options as Nokia's Symbian-based Series 60 ] platform reaches mass market volumes. This qualifies as "rad". The Register | Nokia to release Perl for smartphones |
Slashdot | Perl is Sweet Sixteen |
Topic: Perl Programming |
1:49 am EST, Dec 20, 2003 |
] "Perl turned sweet 16 yesterday. 'Larry Wall released ] Perl 1 on this day in 1987, so today Perl is 16 years ] old. Happy birthday Perl! You can read more about the ] timeline of Perl releases in perlhist.pod and at ] history.perl.org.' Happy birthday Perl! You are now old ] enough to get a US drivers license." 16 is not old enough to get a drivers license in New Jersey. I had to wait till I was 17. More importantally, Perl has passed the age of consent almost everywhere. Slashdot | Perl is Sweet Sixteen |
The 2003 Perl Advent Calendar |
Topic: Perl Programming |
10:58 am EST, Dec 3, 2003 |
This is an advent calendar with a perl technique tip for each day of the Christmas season. Get into the holiday spirit (because you know you spend your vacation time working on projects)... Now, anybody got one of these for C? The 2003 Perl Advent Calendar |
Topic: Perl Programming |
4:51 pm EDT, Apr 12, 2003 |
Gotta love that.. Raver Porn Perl |
Topic: Perl Programming |
9:34 pm EDT, May 4, 2002 |
MisterHouse is an open source home automation program. It's fun, it's free, and it's entirely geeky. Written in Perl, it fires events based on time, web, socket, voice, and serial data. It currently runs on Windows 95/98/NT/2k/XP and on most Unix platforms, including Linux. Perl subroutines and objects are used to give a powerful programming interface. Here is some example code: $fountain = new X10_Item 'B1'; set $fountain ON if time_now '6:00 PM'; $movement_sensor = new Serial_Item 'XA2', 'stair'; play(file =gt 'stairs_creek*.wav') if state_now $movement_sensor eq 'stair'; $v_bedroom_curtain = new Voice_Cmd '[open,close] the bedroom curtains'; curtain('bedroom', $state) if $state = said $v_bedroom_curtain;
MisterHouse |