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yum! - White Trash Recipes
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:36 am EDT, Apr 21, 2003

Get invited to pot lucks and never know what to bring?

Tons of easy "white trash" recipes to check out.
Impress folks with your Oakie-Fied Culinary Treats!

Recipes include: Ambrosia Salad (aka White Trash Whip), 7-Up Cake, Corn Dog Muffins, Cherries in a Cloud,
Spaghetti Ramen, Tater Tot Casserole, Twinkie Torte, Deep Fried Mars Bars and more!

Wilpig: Party at my house! Bring your favorite food.

yum! - White Trash Recipes

Golden Feces anyone? WORK SAFE
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:35 am EDT, Apr 21, 2003

] Golden feces wipes smile
] on Japanese faces

Golden Feces anyone? WORK SAFE

Prankster Web Site Draws Wal-Mart Ire
Topic: Technology 4:11 pm EDT, Apr 17, 2003

] The very technology that revolutionized retail checkout -
] the bar code - is now being subverted by anti-capitalist
] protesters who fancy themselves cyberpranksters.
] The activists drew the ire of Wal-Mart Inc., the world's
] largest retailer, with a Web site that encouraged people
] to "name their own prices" by offering hundreds of
] substitute bar codes.
] Wal-Mart considered the ploy an incitement to theft and
] sent a cease-and-desist letter dated April 2 to one of
] the companies that was hosting the Web site,
]'s operators responded by disabling the link
] on their Web site that allowed users to print sheets with
] a selection of bar code labels that could be slapped on
] store items.

Prankster Web Site Draws Wal-Mart Ire

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:40 am EDT, Apr 15, 2003

More SARS info. There is some different info on this page than the CDC page...thats why I memed both.

This one is more fun, what with the graphs and maps and all.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Interz0ne 2003 Tally
Topic: Cyber-Culture 8:27 am EDT, Apr 15, 2003

* Consumer Fraud and Abuse Act
* Digital Millenium Copyright Act
* Economic Espionage Act
* Electronic Communications Privacy Act
* Lanham Act (Trademark)
* Wiretap Act

* Georga Computer Systems Protection Act
* George Trade Secrets Act



Ok. Someone come up with a points system for this stuff so we can compare cons. You know, gives points for some things, subtracts for others, bonus multiplier for how far thru the court system it gets, final score somehow based on outcome..

Also, what were the codes cited for the guys arrested on the roof?


[03:26:20] (Psyiode) i was arrested for "Disorderly Conduct"
[03:26:46] (Psyiode) "Jumping balcony to balcony; Ran from Security"
[03:26:56] (Psyiode) code section 16-58, State Law

hahahahah Psyiode....

Interz0ne 2003 Tally

The Salt Lake Tribune -- Utah's Statewide Newspaper
Topic: Computer Networking 8:26 am EDT, Apr 15, 2003

] Messman used the occasion to unveil NetWare 6.5, noting the
] latest version of Novell's signature software includes several
] tools to integrate the company's product with a variety of
] open-source applications, databases, networks and computer systems.
] By fully supporting open source, Novell will "enable our
] customers to realize the value of their information and deliver it
] securely and economically to any stakeholder, anytime, anywhere,
] through any device and across any platform," Messman said
] "We are not dropping NetWare, we are adding Linux,"
] Messman stressed. "You can stick with Novell. . . . We
] will not abandon you, our customers, and you do not have
] to abandon us to get the technologies and the solutions
] you need."
] Underscoring Novell's support of open-source
] programming, vice chairman Chris Stone, who followed
] Messman to the dais, announced that Linux and Macintosh
] desktop clients for the company's GroupWise e-mail,
] instant messaging and time-management application will be
] released later this year.

Well most everyone that knows me will tell you I am pro-novell. The last several years they have undergone many CEO changes and shifts in how the company saw itself in the market. They started the move to an entirely web based system 3 years ago and have backed it up with the latest announcement an brainshare. By allowing their technology to open to the linux community they are hoping to see some of that lost market come back.

The Salt Lake Tribune -- Utah's Statewide Newspaper

Slashdot | Blackboard Campus IDs: Security Thru Cease & Desist
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:07 am EDT, Apr 15, 2003

] On Saturday night, Virgil and Acidus, two young security
] researchers, were scheduled to give a talk at Interz0ne
] II on security flaws they'd found in a popular ID card
] system for universities. It's run by Blackboard, formerly
] by AT&T, and you may know it as OneCard, CampusWide, or
] BuzzCard. On Saturday, instead of the talk, attendees got
] to hear an Interz0ne official read the Cease and Desist
] letter sent by corporate lawyers. The DMCA, among other
] federal laws including the Economic Espionage Act, were
] given as the reasons for shutting down the talk. I spoke
] with Virgil this morning.

Slashdot | Blackboard Campus IDs: Security Thru Cease & Desist DMCA not part of judge's Interz0ne order over security flaws
Topic: Society 8:07 am EDT, Apr 15, 2003

Declan is following..

] I should clarify one point. I (and some of the reports I
] forwarded) said the DMCA was one of the claims in the
] suit. That's incorrect. It was one of the points made in
] the lawyer nastygram but it was not part of the complaint
] and therefore not considered by the judge in granting
] the injunction.

Also see: DMCA not part of judge's Interz0ne order over security flaws

RE: Interz0ne: Cease and Desist Letter - 20030411
Topic: Society 8:07 am EDT, Apr 15, 2003

Decius wrote:
] Interz0ne talk censored due to DMCA notice (blogging from the
] sequestered talk (which is instead a discussion about what
] occured)).

As an update, I sent an email to the editors of Salon about this. I have since received two updates, the latter being the most important. Farhad Manjoo is looking into the details for writing this article and has contacted me for more information. If you would like to submit information as well, please let me know today so that I can get your contact information to him. Farhad is the reporter who has written some of the best stories dealing with the hacker community, such as detailed stories about the DMCA, Dmitry Skylarov, the inability to discuss the security of voting machines and more. Do a search at for his name and you'll see plenty of articles. This is a very good thing.


RE: Interz0ne: Cease and Desist Letter - 20030411

Court blocks security conference talk | CNET
Topic: Society 8:06 am EDT, Apr 15, 2003

] A pair of students were blocked by a federal court from
] presenting information at a Georgia security and hackers'
] conference on how to break into and modify a university
] electronic transactions system.

] "The temporary restraining order pointed out that the
] irreparable injury to Blackboard, our intellectual
] property rights and clients far outweighed the
] commercial speech rights of the individuals in
] question," said Michael Stanton, a Blackboard spokesman.
] The company claims that the speech being blocked is
] commercial speech because the students were a "small
] competitor" to Blackboard. One of the students,
] Georgia Institute of Technology's Billy Hoffman, had
] threatened to give away code allowing any computer to
] emulate Blackboard's technology, the company claims.

] Although an initial cease and desist letter sent to the
] Interz0ne conference organizers hinted that the students
] may have violated the DMCA, the complaint that resulted
] in the temporary restraining order did not touch on that
] copyright law.

Slightly different versions of this article by John Borland (CNet Staff Writer) are also running on BusinessWeek Online and ZDNet AU.,2000024985,20273726,00.htm

Court blocks security conference talk | CNET

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